ALEXANDER: National Debt Hits $16 Trillion

A release out of Rep. Rodney Alexander’s office this afternoon…

U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-Quitman, released the following remarks after national debt officially surpassed $16 trillion:

“Today, we reached an infamous day in American history as our national debt clock ticked past $16 trillion. As this unfathomable number continues to soar, it is quite evident that Washington will not exercise fiscal restraint by its own preference.

“Thus far, House Republicans have led the charge to produce plans that will protect our nation’s prosperity. All the while, the Senate has not passed a budget in three years. The American people have funded Washington’s irresponsible spending habits for far too long, and it is clear that we must permanently change our course.

“To achieve this, we must establish a lasting structure of checks and balances that will hold those in federal government accountable for unnecessary and wasteful spending decisions. Common ground must be found to address the biggest drivers of our unsustainable debt. Without meaningful and absolutely critical reform, our financial state will further regress.”



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