VIDEO: How Man Of Steel Should Have Ended

I didn’t see it.

I only very seldom actually go to movies. If I did it would screw up my system. See, I’ve got the big-screen HD monster in the living room, I do a ton of On Demand and I’ve got every movie channel Cox offers. So going to movies means taking things out of the pipeline.

Watch a lot of stuff at the theater and six months later there’s nothing on TV. And for that, you get to sit next to moron kids talking on their cellphones during the show or acting like it’s a sequel of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Sure, the popcorn’s pretty good – but still, as I said I have a system.

Man of Steel is in my system. I’m watching it when it hits On Demand, and that’s that.

That said, what I know about this flick is that Superman has to fight a whole army of interstellar bad guys led by Agent Van Alden from Boardwalk Empire, and let’s just say there’s a little bit of collateral damage – which Agent Van Alden is more than happy with since he says that he’d be destroying the planet if Superman doesn’t give up the goods on the Planet Krypton. Or something. I’d say those of our readers who’ve seen the movie can fill me in in the comments, but then again if you do that it’s a spoiler for me so I’m not reading it.

Of course, it’s not exactly a difficult plot to predict. And that means this thing is a pretty good roadmap to what happens in the movie…



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