No, we didn’t make this up. She actually said it.
“Between the Congress defunding it, Gov. Jindal refusing to expand healthcare coverage for people, we’re in a real battle but I’m glad to go back to Washington to fight for things that make people’s lives easier and better and we save the government a trillion dollars over time which people don’t hear but this new healthcare bill will save the government a trillion dollars over the next ten years,” said Landrieu.
Somehow Landrieu thinks the feds will save $100 billion per year on Obamacare.
Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again) reported that in its first 10 years, Obamacare will boost health spending by “roughly $621 billion” above the amounts Americans would have spent without this misguided law.
Perhaps Landrieu thinks that the $7,450 per family that figure represents will be borne by individuals and not government. Perhaps she thinks that.
Or perhaps she’s flat-out lying.
Either way, thanks to the House of Representatives’ passing a CR defunding Obamacare and forcing Senate Democrats like Landrieu to vote on it, we’ll get one more on-the-record position from Mary on this subject. She can put her money where her mouth is, and suffer the consequences for it.