Mary Landrieu Says Obamacare Will Save The Gov’t A Trillion Dollars

No, we didn’t make this up. She actually said it.

“Between the Congress defunding it, Gov. Jindal refusing to expand healthcare coverage for people, we’re in a real battle but I’m glad to go back to Washington to fight for things that make people’s lives easier and better and we save the government a trillion dollars over time which people don’t hear but this new healthcare bill will save the government a trillion dollars over the next ten years,” said Landrieu.

Somehow Landrieu thinks the feds will save $100 billion per year on Obamacare.

Forbes thinks differently

Unfortunately, the experts working for Medicare’s actuary have (yet again) reported that in its first 10 years, Obamacare will boost health spending by “roughly $621 billion” above the amounts Americans would have spent without this misguided law.

Perhaps Landrieu thinks that the $7,450 per family that figure represents will be borne by individuals and not government. Perhaps she thinks that.

Or perhaps she’s flat-out lying.

Either way, thanks to the House of Representatives’ passing a CR defunding Obamacare and forcing Senate Democrats like Landrieu to vote on it, we’ll get one more on-the-record position from Mary on this subject. She can put her money where her mouth is, and suffer the consequences for it.



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