Mary Landrieu Wasn’t Who Dick Durbin Was Talking About, Was She?

So, Obumble is gonna be in the Big Easy to talk about ports and exports and so on, right?

That’s kinda cool. It’s not quite as cool as it would be if Obumble wasn’t the reason all those folks with natural gas on their land aren’t getting checks; Obumble is slow-playin’ the LNG export terminals all those people want built, because the export terminals workin’ would pretty much immediately boost the price of natural gas and get those wells workin’ back in the Haynesville Shale and a few other places around the state.

Oh, wait – just got a message from that guy Dan Pfieffer: “Don’t bother him with trifles, you racist SOB.” So there’s that.

Here’s the thing, though – as cool as it is that Obumble’s gonna come to N’Awlins and hang out at the port and talk about sellin’ stuff to the Guatemalans and Abu Dhabi and whatnot, he won’t have a full crowd.

Why? Cuz Mary Landrieu’s not gonna be there.

How come? I dunno. She’s got some previous engagement in Lake Charles. I guess she couldn’t quite get to Shongaloo so as to put the maximum distance between her and Obumble while still bein’ in the state.

Or maybe there are lotsa closets in Lake Charles that need rearrangin’.

Or they got some good hairdressers there.

Or it’s a good place to recover from a headache. I dunno.

I do know what it looks like, though. Remember when Dick Durbin (and do it quick before he dicks you) was runnin’ around with that story about how the GOP congresscritters were tellin’ people they couldn’t even look at Obama? That all happened last month when they were dealin’ with that shutdown, and havin’ meetings and so on.

Kinda sounds like Durbin mighta been talkin’ about Mary, right? She can’t even look at Obama, because it’s his stupid website he’s sorry for and his stupid health insurance scam some 92,000 or so of Mary’s constituents are real sorry for that are makin’ her plans for the next six years kinda hinky. She’s busted her lil’ tush to go out an’ raise $7 mil or so, and countin’, to try to get re-elected and thanks to Obumble that swag might end up goin’ to waste.

MacAoidh tells me we’re s’posed to get some numbers from the state insurance department about how many people are gonna lose their employer insurance plans in the state. If Jim Donelon, the guy who runs the department and who’s a Republican, wants to go full gangsta he’ll release those figures while Obumble’s in N’Awlins, and that way somebody can spit ’em at him while makin’ a crack about “you’re exportin’ stuff, all right. You’re exportin’ my health insurance to the poopy-hole.”

And all of a sudden it becomes real obvious why Mary’s rearrangin’ closets in Lake Chuck today. She don’t want no part o’ that zoo. Not when she’s tryin’ to get six more years at the Senatorial trough.



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