Low Popahirum, National Edition (2-25-14)

“Mary Landrieu is Louisiana political royalty, but her reign as the state’s senior senator may come to an end this fall.” – National Review

“Although the trail of mysterious and bizarre deaths detailed below begin in late January, 2014, there are others. Not only that, there will be more, according to sources within the financial world. Based on my findings, these are not mere random, tragic cases of suicide, but of the methodical silencing of individuals who had the ability to expose financial fraud at the highest levels, and the complicity of certain governmental agencies and individuals who are engaged in the greatest theft of wealth the world has ever seen.” – Canada Free Press

Prospectors in Southern California are heading to the hills, saying the severe drought has exposed gold that has never been touched by human hands. As water levels continue to drop more nooks and crannies are easier for these gold hunters to access.” – CBS Los Angeles

“The White House Council of Economic Advisors recently published a post on its website optimistically declaring, ‘Congressional Budget Office Report Finds Minimum Wage Lifts Wages for 16.5 Million Workers.’ The piece describes a CBO report on a current proposal, which has gained much momentum in recent weeks, to increase the minimum wage in three stages from its current level of $7.25 per hour to $10.10 by 2016, after which it would be permanently indexed for inflation—at least until further legislation is enacted. The White House should temper its optimism, however: Upon closer review, the CBO report raises several serious theoretical and practical issues that the CEA’s optimistic headline conceals.” – Richard A. Epstein/Hoover Institution

“‘Realistically speaking, there’s been loss of life that is unneeded because there was a dumbing-down of the weapon system,’ said Scott Traudt, who advised the Army on how to improve the M4 a decade ago.” – Washington Times

“These guys come from across the world to Cuba, loaded with foreign pathogens while simultaneously vulnerable to all of our gross shit. So already it was mutual, unconscious biological warfare (they had a distinct edge, because the Taliban apparently agrees with Jenny McCarthy on vaccines). These dudes wind up with tuberculosis, dysentery, hepatitis … all kinds of terrible bugs, which means you don’t want to exchange bodily fluids with them. But that’s not so simple, because the inmates know this is what you’re afraid of.” – Cracked (believe it or not, they do journalism there)

“The AFL-CIO is conceding its union lacks the power in the South to influence the upcoming 2014 elections, so it is not investing heavily in three hotly contested Senate races.” – Breitbart

“Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, told WND he predicts Boehner will no longer be speaker ‘by next January,’ regardless of the outcome of the midterm election in November.” – WorldNet Daily

“The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which has spearheaded the implementation of the law, has acknowledged that new rules requiring insurers to offer guaranteed coverage and renewal options to small employers will likely drive up the price of insurance for some companies. So will rules banning insurance companies from varying their rates based on factors like a company’s industry or the age of its employees.” – Washington Post

“South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy lambasted National Security Adviser Susan Rice for her lack of regret over her incorrect statements on the 2012 Benghazi attacks, calling it ‘stunningly arrogant’ and accusing her of continuing to peddle a ‘false narrative.’” – Daily Caller



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