Low Popahirum, March 19, 2015


“Democrat Martin O’Malley and Republican Bobby Jindal are not household names and as things look now, both are highly unlikely to top a national ticket next year. But even so, attention should be paid. No matter who is nominated for president in either party, this pair and their states reveal an awful lot about the choices Americans will be making come November 2016. What kind of country do they want to live in? More like O’Malley’s Maryland, or more like Jindal’s Louisiana? A country that invests in its future, even if that might mean a new tax on carbon or Wall Street transactions, or higher taxes on gas or unearned income? Or a country that is wedded to austerity and a no-new-taxes pledge imposed by a powerful outside lobbyist? It’s that fundamental.” – US News

“Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration moved ahead Tuesday with a plan to sell the state’s remaining share of a massive tobacco settlement, despite criticism the move would waste a valuable asset for a quick fix to budget problems.” – Yahoo! News

“Secretary of State Tom Schedler told lawmakers Wednesday he won’t have the money for Louisiana to hold a presidential primary in spring 2016 under the budget proposed by Gov. Bobby Jindal.” – NOLA.com

“’The budget is way different than what we’ve seen in the past,’ said House Appropriations Chairman Jim Fannin, the Winnsboro Republican whose name goes on the state budget bill. ‘It’s kind of like having a skunk by the tail,’ Fannin said.” – Baton Rouge Advocate

“Some tenants at Port Fourchon, the main service hub for the Gulf of Mexico oilfield, will see lower rental rates starting April 1. The Courier reports the Greater Lafourche Port Commission has approved a 20 percent rental discount for port land leases.” – WRNO

“Some Louisiana members of Congress have written the Environmental Protection Agency urging it to consider the effects of making the ozone standard stricter. It’s feared the proposed change could be detrimental to the economy and consumers’ wallets.” – KPLC

“Jindal told reporters that he will back legislation that sets up a new process to adopt education standards using a panel of parents, educators and school leaders. In the meantime, he said public schools will use grade-level expectations from 2004-05 and renew use of the LEAP and iLEAP exams that were employed for years to measure student achievement.” – Baton Rouge Advocate

“Horizon claims the 10-month production cost $4.7 million. Horizon told the state that ‘Varsity, Inc.’ would be ‘distributed nationally by the NFL Network… 6 to 8 episodes,’ premiering in the ‘1st quarter of 2009.’ But the show never aired. An official from the NFL Network tells us they’re not even familiar with the production.” – Fox 8 Live

“The shooter who killed a man lying in his neighbors’ driveway in Cut Off had been on drugs for days and thought the victim was an alligator, his attorney said during the trial’s opening statements Wednesday.” – Houma Courier

“The No. 9-seeded Tigers (22-10) and 8-seeded Wolfpack close out the first day of action of NCAA Tournament round-of-64 play in the Steel City when they collide at 8:20 p.m. Thursday. As is the case with most 8-9 matchups by design, not a whole heck of a lot separates the two teams from power conferences coached by old friends.” – NOLA.com


“It’s as horrifying as watching a train wreck. As predicted in yesterday’s post Obama’s foreign policy has nowhere to go, but he’s prepared to go there with considerable velocity. The New York Times says that Obama will go all out against the Israeli prime minister and may switch sides in the UN on the Palestinian issue.” – Richard Fernandez/PJ Media

“After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.” – Foreign Policy

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The polls were clear. Benjamin Netanyahu and his party should have lost in a walk. Sources were telling Israeli media outlets just two weeks ago that it was not only possible but likely that the prime minister’s Likud party would win only 18 seats in the Knesset. This was supposed to be a landslide, and it was… for Likud.” – Hot Air

“President Barack Obama will sign an executive order on Thursday that will cut the U.S. government’s greenhouse gas emissions, the White House said in a statement.” – Yahoo! News

“A marathon markup of House Republicans’ proposed 2016 federal budget ended after midnight Wednesday with no resolution between the two GOP factions — defense hawks on one side, fiscal conservatives on the other — determined to put their own, seemingly incompatible stamps on the largely symbolic spending plan.” – Roll Call

“Since Michael Brown’s death, the cost per square foot of a home has dropped by 47 percent in Ferguson.” – Fusion.net

“But there is no way around the fact: Some 150 years after Gettysburg, the Democrats are still filibustering on behalf of slaveholders. All that talk about being ‘on the right side of history’ and they cannot even get on the right side of slavery. Modern slavery’s victims may cry out, but Harry Reid and Emily’s List have the bigger megaphone.” – Kevin Williamson/National Review

This shows just how important the topic is. Untrained fast food workers are supposed to engage in it with customers, a coloring-book masquerading as a newspaper is going to cover it, and the genius who came up with the idea can’t be bothered to talk about it.” – RedState

Many pundits have drawn parallels between the last decade and the 1930s. Though the precise sequence of events eight decades ago is not being repeated, the kinds of events that transpired in the years 1933 to 1937 have been repeated in broad brushstroke during the Obama years. And events of 1938 to 1941 appear on the horizon as increasingly likely to recur. Our most leftist president ever is following the course predicted by Marx’s aphorism, ‘History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.'”- American Spectator

“One team President Barack Obama didn’t have the opportunity to pick when he joined ESPN this week to fill out his NCAA March Madness bracket was Oregon State, which has yet to recover from a disastrous six years under the guidance of his brother-in-law, Craig Robinson.” – Washington Free Beacon



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