Cedric Richmond Learned Nothing From Baltimore Riots

With the disruption and lawlessness throughout Baltimore by rioters yesterday, there is much to be discussed about how Democrat-controlled City Halls, City Councils and liberal policies have failed the black community in urban areas.

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-New Orleans), though, took to Twitter today to propagate the same solution for poverty-stricken black communities in major cities like Baltimore and New Orleans, here at home. Take a look at Richmond’s tweet from Twitter here:

cedric richmond tweet

The key take away from Richmond’s tweet is the word “investment.”

Investment has been used by Democrats to describe in a sophisticated and politically correct manner how the city government, state government or federal government needs to put more money into black communities that are affected by poverty.

Whether it be more regulation disguised as “helping minorities” or welfare programs that are supposed to lift individuals out of poverty, Democrats have been using these same solutions for decades and yet no major cities or impoverished black communities have benefited in the long run.

Case in point: Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Washington DC and the list goes on and on.

Black communities in Baltimore are evidence how more city government and more state “help” for these areas has hurt them in the long run and created a culture of poverty, corruption and blacks feeling as though they are trapped in their own city.

As Elbert Guillory has noted for the last couple of years, black communities have for years voted by majority with Democrats. However, with areas under disruption like Baltimore, especially the west-side of the city, it is further evidence that liberal policies have done nothing but generate a lack of opportunity for impoverished blacks neighborhoods.

Richmond clearly has not learned that just yet.



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