Low Popahirum, September 9, 2015


“Divisions among House Republicans threw scheduled votes against the Iran nuclear accord into disarray Wednesday as other foes, including presidential contender Donald Trump, prepared a big rally outside the Capitol. Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton praised the deal in a speech not far away.” – Breitbart

“Watch Live: Anti-Iran Deal Rally on Capitol Hill” – The Blaze

“It’s alive! Or that’s what scientists might say when they reanimate the so-called “frankenvirus,” a 30,000-year-old giant virus that was discovered in Siberia. The French researchers behind the find – published this week in PNAS, the journal from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences – warn that climate change could reawaken dangerous microscopic pathogens, reports Agence France-Presse.” – Fox News

“Right now, unless you live in Washington, you’re probably unaware of the ongoing free commercial advertisement for Wisconsin-style collective bargaining reforms nationwide. Teachers in Seattle have thrown the plans of tens of thousands of parents into absolute chaos as it was announced last night that the first day of school would be cancelled today due to a teacher strike.” – Red State

“The U.S. State Department plans to move about 50 workers into temporary jobs to bolster the office sifting through Hillary Clinton’s emails and grappling with a vast backlog of other requests for information to be declassified, officials said on Tuesday.” – Hot Air

“After nearly eight years of the East Wing’s politics of mope and complain, it’s refreshing to see a presidential candidate’s spouse who is always smiling.” – Michelle Malkin/Town Hall

“The Environmental Protection Agency was accused Wednesday of doctoring footage from the Gold King Mine spill, removing the audio of a worker saying, ‘What do we do now?'” – Washington Times

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is dismissing a House Republican Hail-Mary attempt to kill the Iran nuclear deal by postponing a vote on a disapproval resolution.” – The Hill

“Apple, which has fought off allegations of sexism in the past, is under fire again today as it debuts a new line of products at the “Apple Special Event” live-streaming from San Francisco.” – Twitchy

Why are liberals so quick to criticize natural, normal, heterosexual identity when they are so easily offended by anyone who in turn criticizes them?  When anyone disagrees with liberals, their opponents are immediately branded as being haters, biased and prejudiced, but of course liberals themselves don’t hate, can never be called biased and are unable to experience prejudice.  The current liberal lunacy of gender neutrality is almost too vapid to be believed.  Of course there are differences between the sexes and the reason for these differences are attraction and continuation of the species.  Any line of animal that attracted only the same sex to itself would die out quickly.  The fact that homosexuals can adopt babies doesn’t make them real parents.  The child they love and adopt has come from two members of different sexes, not from two people of the same sex.  To celebrate the fact that homosexuals cannot reproduce is to celebrate nothing, and instead undermines the fundamentals of nature itself and places more stress on society to survive, as heterosexuals are ignored and insulted.” – Conservative Daily News



They’ve been the center of debates for decades – guns. Specifically carrying them out in the open, and just this week, a local incident is sparking some debate online.” – KPLCTV

“While oil prices, and predictions about where they’re going, don’t paint a pretty picture for the state of Louisiana, we’re unlikely to see a true and complete portrait of their effect on the current fiscal year budget until the next governor is sworn in.” – Houma Today

“According to Cajun legend, deep in the Louisiana Swamp is the Rougarou — a large, werewolf-like half-man, half-beast creature who preys on people who venture too far into its terrain.” – NY Post

“Tea Party favorite Rob Maness tweaked fellow Republicans and potential U.S. Senate candidate opponents Congressman Charles Boustany and state Treasurer John Kennedy on Twitter Wednesday, accusing them of being soft or silent on Planned Parenthood funding.” – The Daily World

Rumors are stirring about a possible run from Caddo Commissioner Doug Dominic, a Republican. Incumbent Rep. Jim Morris is expected to stand for reelection.” – La Politics

“It won’t be available during this election, but Secretary of State Tom Schedler wants to bring iPad voting to Louisiana in the next two or three years.” – NOLA.com

Fifteen years in prison is the penalty William “Billy” Bates Colvin received Tuesday for stealing large quantities of cocaine and five guns from an evidence vault inside the 19th Judicial District Courthouse where he worked and his mother was a sitting judge.” – The Baton Rouge Advocate

“The Davina Chapman, John Snyder Baton Rouge, Louisiana, murder case will air on a new episode of Swamp Murders.” – Inquisitr

“LSU was ranked No. 129 in U.S. News & World Report’s 2016 rankings of the nation’s top universities, an annual list that was released Wednesday.” – The Baton Rouge Advocate



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