VIDEO: If You Haven’t Seen Gianna Jessen’s Testimony From Last Week’s Congressional Hearing, Watch It Here

This took place on Sept. 9, and it happened at the House Judiciary Committee’s Planned Parenthood hearings. Gianna Jessen, a pro-life activist who actually survived an attempted late-term abortion in 1976 and was miraculously born alive, delivers six minutes-plus of some of the most passionate, heartfelt and moving congressional testimony you’ll ever hear. We weren’t going to double up on abortion posts today after the Center For Medical Progress video earlier, but when we ran across this we had to put it up.

It definitely does seem that the momentum in the abortion debate is on the pro-life side. That said, the institutional infrastructure and the power of the alliances the abortion industry has built is daunting – it’s the reason why lots of people who are otherwise relatively solid conservatives simply don’t see getting something accomplished like de-funding Planned Parenthood, much less overturning Roe v. Wade, as actually possible.

But to the extent the abortion industry and the political movement sustaining it maintains a foothold in the mainstream, which is a substantial extent, that’s true due to a lack of aggression on the part of the pro-life movement. But that’s changing, because increasingly the passion, charisma and articulation is coming from pro-life people while the pro-abortion crowd has less to say.



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