The Low Popahirum, October 19, 2015


“A few dozen reporters who regularly cover Hillary Clinton gathered last August to watch the first GOP debate at her headquarters in Brooklyn. MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald stopped for a moment and looked around.” – Politico

“Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News — but he was turned down.” – Fox News

President Barack Obama is refusing to meet with Hillary Clinton while he and his allies are urging Vice President Joe Biden to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, according to author Ed Klein.” – Breibart

“The math is harsh: The federal penalty for having no health insurance is set to jump to $695, and the Obama administration is being urged to highlight that cold fact to help drive its new pitch for health law sign-ups.” – The Blaze

“Last week forces allied with Syria strongman, Bashar Assad, kicked off their offensive with the aid of Russian air support. The administration was quick to proclaim this was going to be a quagmire for the Russians and result in ‘blowback.’ Right on schedule, left wing media began toeing the administration line:” – Red State

“Vice President Joe Biden’s decision on a 2016 run will reportedly be announced sometime in the next two days. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.” – Town Hall

“The United States hasn’t actually held a draft lottery for military service since December of 1969, but the idea has never truly died out. Young men still have to register for the selective service and you can face penalties if you don’t do so. Democrats in particular, from Bernie Sanders to Charley Rangel, seem to be big on the idea of bringing back the draft, though they mostly just enjoy talking about it as a way of highlighting income inequality or racial disparity. It’s a bad idea and one which is opposed by most veterans, but it remains a political football every election cycle.” – Hot Air

“Global warming alarmists, including John Podesta, are warning that the flooding of coastal cities due to rising sea levels is imminent due to climate change.” – Twitchy

“The Balkans struggled with a growing backlog of migrants on Monday after Hungary sealed its southern border and Slovenia tried to impose a limit, leaving thousands stranded on cold, wet borders where tempers frayed.” – One America News

“Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Sunday that he would have kept the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers out of the U.S. and, therefore, would have prevented the worst terrorist attack in the country’s history.” – Washington Times


“With the peak of the annual hurricane season over, forecasters are both warning not to turn your back on the potential for tropical weather through season’s end on Nov. 30, while also looking forward to what’s gearing up to be a cooler, wetter winter than average.” –

U.S. District Judge John deGravelles in Baton Rouge made the ruling Monday morning. He had heard arguments in the case Friday.” –

“Several recent polls have suggested U.S. Sen. David Vitter’s hold on the governor’s race may not be as strong as it once was. But as long as he continues to get the support of his conservative base in the Oct. 24 primary, experts believe he is still the odds-on favorite to win election in November.” –

Predictably, the usual suspects are recycling a familiar story about Senator David Vitter’s past mistakes.  This  time involves an interview with Wendy Ellis- who is also known as Wendy Cortez.  The latter name is apparently an alias, a name that she worked under during her years as a prostitute, and her birth name was Wendy Yow (a person with multiple aliases can always be trusted to tell the truth).” –

A fourth woman shot while standing at a Lower 9th Ward basketball court Sunday (Oct. 18) has been identified, according to New Orleans Police.” –

The statewide primary election is six days away, so what do we know more about now than we did when the campaigning began months ago?” – American Press 

Alecia Nugent admits there are times when she wakes up and wonders what she is doing here.” – The Town Talk

“The frontrunners in the race for lieutenant governor both like their chances.” – Fox8Live

Two Honduran men face deportation even though a US Department of Homeland Security staff lawyer recommended that the migrant workers be released because they were improperly arrested by Louisiana police in a case of alleged ethnic profiling.” – The Guardian

“The New Orleans District Attorney’s office is not going to press charges against Saints defensive end Cam Jordan for an incident in a Warehouse District nightclub, reports WWL-TV’s Katie Moore.” –



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