VIDEO: Watch Ted Cruz Make A Fool Out Of The Sierra Club President On Global Warming

This happened Tuesday at a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, during which Sierra Club president Aaron Mair, who holds bachelor’s degrees in History and Sociology and is most certainly no scientist, has testified about the necessity of the EPA and its push for climate change regulations no matter who – including racial minorities and especially people who look a lot like Mair – is harmed by the economic cost of those regulations.

Cruz, having endured this pontificating by the Sierra Club president, commences to ask some very basic questions of Mair – specifically surrounding the query that if global warming is such an ongoing catastrophe how come satellite data don’t show any warming of note?

Hilarity ensues, as it becomes clear that Aaron Mair, who runs an organization largely built around the idea that, as he says, the planet is “cooking and warming and heating,” has absolutely no idea what in the blooming hell he is talking about.

And at the end, Delaware Democrat Chris Coons attempts to rehabilitate Mair by saying that since the subject of the hearing is the effect overregulation has on minorities it’s not that important for him to have offered his knowledge on global warming. Cruz’ response to Coons is almost as devastating as his demolition of Mair.

It would not be a surprise for Mair’s career at the Sierra Club to end quietly after what Cruz did to him in this hearing.



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