Why New Orleans Residents Should Be Fighting The Orleans GOP Just As Much As Monument Removal

In an effort to get some publicity, the Orleans GOP have injected their opinion (which no one really cares about) in a debate about Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s plan to remove four historical monuments for political correctness purposes.

Naturally, the Democrats are on board with Landrieu because they’ll get on board with any plan that expands divisiveness and political correctness.

The GOP, on the other hand, is supposed to be the opposition party in New Orleans, as Republicans haven’t led the city in decades.

But, not the Orleans Parish republican establishment. They’re the weakest of the weak.

First off, the Orleans GOP has been all-out silent on the issue up until now. Meanwhile, real grassroots opposition movements to Landrieu like “Save Our Circle” have formed to fight the absurdity in New Orleans.

This week, though, when the Orleans GOP finally decided to take a stance on the historical monument removal debate, they sucked up to Landrieu.

Essentially, the Orleans GOP wants Liberty Monument removed in favor of resurrecting a monument of P.B.S. Pinchback, the first black governor in Louisiana and the nation.

Of course, this just gives Landrieu more ammunition to remove all four monuments, which includes Lee Circle and PGT Beauregard’s City Park statue.

Then, in what can only be described as stupid, the Orleans GOP says that removing all four monuments will be too costly for taxpayers and the city should focus on real problems.

But, they’re fine with asking taxpayers to remove and replace one of the monuments? What?!

This pandering to Landrieu is just a metaphor for the larger issue of the GOP, a political party that hardly ever stands up for what its conservative constituents wants.

Instead, true opposition movements rise up. Which is why New Orleans has seen the rise of Save Our Circle, led by the charming and articulate Tim Shea Carroll of New Orleans.

Unlike the Orleans GOP, Save Our Circle understands that Landrieu’s plan is solely meant to divide residents into identity groups and to drum up phony controversies while ignoring real problems of crime and violence in the city.

And unlike the Orleans GOP, Save Our Circle understands that residents overwhelmingly oppose the removal of any historical monuments, even a large amount of black voters oppose removal of the monuments.

Save Our Circle is not weak, unlike the Orleans GOP, nor will they pander, which has only led to their success in the monument removal fight.

Forget about the Orleans GOP; they are not the opposition, they are in fact the lapdogs to an administration that wants to transform New Orleans’ historical artifacts into a political debate.

They are part of the problem in New Orleans.



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