BOUSTANY: A Time For Unity

As early voting for the gubernatorial election gets underway, we must think very carefully about the direction our state is headed.  To me, the choice is clear – a path of economic growth and fiscal stability versus higher deficits, higher taxes, and more government spending that we can’t afford.  Elections are always emotionally charged, but we must not allow those emotions to overshadow the importance of this election for our state’s future.

Simply put, surrendering the keys to the Governor’s mansion to John Bel Edwards would be a mistake.

The Governor of Louisiana wields tremendous constitutional power, from the ability to use the veto pen down to the selection of leadership and committee chairmen in the state legislature. Stop and think a minute. Are we truly willing to hand over control of these important decisions to someone who supports the failed policies of Barack Obama?

As a Republican, I share strongly-rooted principles in favor of limited government, personal freedom, and greater opportunity for all with David Vitter. David and I worked together to fight the Obama Administration’s EPA overreach hurting Louisiana farmers, a wrongheaded drilling moratorium crushing the oil & gas industry in our state, and a healthcare law that has raised premiums and thrown families off of their coverage.

The problems are no less serious at the state level. Today, Louisiana faces serious issues on the budget, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and taxes, just to name a few. A heated primary election hasn’t changed this reality and hasn’t diminished the urgent need for action. Let’s stop focusing on what divides us as Republicans – let’s focus on what we share in common.

Louisiana is a conservative state. Now is the time to unite behind our deeply held principles; principles John Bel Edwards won’t support. The next four years – including the next special budgetary session in the state legislature – are a pivotal time for our state. We need a leader who has the record of making tough choices and getting the job done.

I am proud of the work David and I have done to support veterans, to invest in our state’s infrastructure, to fix our broken tax code, to reduce the size of government, and to stop Washington’s assault on the oil and gas industry.

Fortunately for Louisiana, we have a choice this November to support someone who shares our conservative values and principles, and is a proven leader. The choice is clear – David Vitter.



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