David Vitter And St. John Bel Debated Last Night, Here’s What Happened

Both candidates for governor debated last night on LPB in the first of two statewide debates. If you were a neutral observer, you would’ve walked away knowing that St. John Bel’s conservative rhetoric was just that. St. John Bel was called to account for his numerous liberal positions on everything from taxes to school choice.

One of the better moments of the debate was when Vitter hit St. John Bel over his support of a bill that would allow “A” or “B” rated school districts to block charter schools. Vitter pointed out that for example in Lafayette Parish 6800 students would be trapped in mediocre to failing schools. St. John Bel’s response was essentially “oh well.”

Another issue of deep division was on taxes and business policy. Vitter pointed out that St. John Bel never sponsored a tax cut and that he has a 25% rating from LABI in this past session. St. John Bel used that to attack LABI and its President, Stephen Waguespack, as “ex-Jindal staffer.”

Here’s a video of some the exchange on LABI:

Not only was St. John Bel acting the part of a leftist demagogue all night, but he was also telling some tall tales (so much for that West Point honor code) as pointed by our friends at America Rising PAC.

St. John Bel peddled the myth that he has stood up to Obama and that’s he’s a conservative. Watch this video:

Edwards pointed out that he “stood up” to Obama over the drilling moratorium. But even after the moratorium, Edwards continued to support Obama and even helped nominate him in 2012.

The differences between conservative David Vitter and leftist, special interest hack John Bel Edwards could not be more clear. They were aired out for the whole state to see.




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