The Low Popahirum, November 23, 2015


The FCC has announced a series of eye-popping fines against companies over the past two years:  Roughly $100 million against nearly a dozen firms for defrauding a phone subsidy program, $35 million against a Chinese company for selling illegal wireless jamming equipment, and $100 million against AT&T this June for throttling customers on unlimited data plans. ” – Politico

Analysts at U.S. Central Command were pressured to ease off negative assessments about the Islamic State threat and were even told in an email to “cut it out,” Fox News has learned – as an investigation expands into whether intelligence reports were altered to present a more positive picture.” – Fox News

“The emergence of foreign policy as a central issue in the presidential campaign poses the greatest threat to Ben Carson — no other GOP candidate has as much vulnerability on the issue.” – Politico

“Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a harsh critic of Islam’s treatment of women, said Wednesday that modern American feminism is focused on ‘trivial bullshit‘ and needs to be reclaimed.” – Washington Examiner

Conservatives have a great deal to say about ‘elites’ and ‘elitism’ just now, most of it denunciatory.” – National Review

“Poll: 13% of Syrian refugees are ISIS sympathizers” –

Rand Paul thinks that it’s disqualifying for el Trumpo and the Rubio to be advocating that extremist Mosques be monitored and shut down if there’s radical speech being used.” – The Right Scoop

“‘Are you the King of the Jews?’ Jesus answered, ‘Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?’ Pilate answered, ‘I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?’ Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.’ So Pilate said to him, ‘Then you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.'” – Hot Air

A Mclean, Virginia-based defense think-tank has published a prescient white-paper on the Islamic State terror group, which has been made available exclusively to Breitbart News prior to its release.” – Breitbart

Youngstown State University students awoke to pro-Islamic State messages painted onto a rock on campus when they awoke Monday morning.” – The Blaze


Congressman Charles Boustany will likely enter the race for U.S. Senate.” –

LSU got trampled by Ole Miss Saturday and it didn’t take long for the jabs to start.” –

Governor-elect John Bel Edwards has named Ben Nevers as his chief of staff. He announced this at a press conference Sunday afternoon.” – Chad Rogers/The Dead Pelican

“A Republican will take the reins of Senate District 12.” –

NOPD identified Euric Cain as the man who they believe shot and attempted to kill a 25-year-old Tulane Med student who stepped in to help a woman who was being robbed on the street” –

Gov.-elect John Bel Edwards, the first Democrat elected to statewide office in Louisiana since 2008, carried over the theme of his campaign in his first press conference Sunday following Saturday’s election.” –

Customers and employees were evacuated from Best Buy on Johnston Street for nearly two hours after a bomb threat note was found Saturday.” –

Baton Rouge Police arrested a woman on child cruelty charges after they said she had her naked child outside in the cold, and dropped her on the ground.” –

So now what?” – The Baton Rouge Advocate

Twelve year veteran tight end for the New Orleans Saints Benjamin Watson places presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson in the pantheon of great civil rights leaders.” – Breitbart




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