Here is where Bill Whittle plays Rodney King and asks among the divided members of the GOP and conservative movement: can’t we all get along?

He discusses the mounting vitriol between Donald Trump’s supporters and critics and demands it stop, because the real enemy lies in the general election when, as of now, either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders awaits the GOP nominee. And there should be little question during the Republican primary debate that whoever survives the process is far superior to the Democrat.

All of which should be inarguable by those on the Republican side.

Whittle offers a critique of Trump and an exhortation to his supporters to demand that their candidate be made to assure the GOP primary electorate that past stances on eminent domain, abortion and health care do not reflect impending policy were he to be elected president.

And then he references Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address, which called upon Americans to be moved by the better angels of our nature.

It’s worth a watch, though with the caveat that a nasty dust-up in the primaries neither condemns a candidate to failure nor particularly damages him if he’s worthy. No primary fight was nastier than the one Hillary Clnton and Barack Obama waged in 2008, and Obama emerged from that fight virtually unbeatable.

Whether it’s Trump, Ted Cruz or someone else who survives the firestorm of the GOP nomination war, with all the ugliness it entails, that candidate will be stronger for it. After a pronounced internecine battle the GOP nominee ought to be able to sweep away the Democrat with relative ease, if that nominee is truly worthy.



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