Maybe It’s Me, But I Notice This Guy John Bel Is A Little Less Than Advertised

We already know a lot of this, but today topped it.

Here is this guy John Bel in the campaign, and he’s gripin’ about how Bobby Jindal was payin’ “exhorbitant” salaries to his staff peeps and how that hadda stop.

An’ here is this guy John Bel today about salaries he’s paying his staff peeps

Edwards is paying the leaders of two executive branch agencies more than they received under his predecessor, according to payroll data and pay rate announcements reviewed by The Associated Press. And the governor has kept most other cabinet secretary salaries intact even though some were criticized as excessive when Jindal hired people at those rates.

Top advisers in the governor’s office are getting higher paychecks as well, with more six-figure salaries for Edwards’ executive staff than Jindal paid.

Decisions by Edwards to keep Jindal’s salary levels — and bump some paychecks higher — come as Louisiana grapples with its worst budget troubles in nearly 30 years. Public colleges and health services are threatened with deep cuts, and Edwards is asking lawmakers to raise taxes to fill gaps.

And the pay rates don’t dovetail with Edwards’ rhetoric when he ran for office. The Democratic candidate bristled at the Jindal administration’s salaries when questioned about them in a November runoff debate.

“We’re not going to pay the same salaries that Bobby Jindal’s been paying. They’re exorbitant. They’re too high. We’re going to reduce those costs right off the top,” Edwards said at the time.

But since becoming governor, Edwards, who receives a $130,000 salary outlined in state law, appears to have changed his mind.

The Edwards administration said the governor is structuring the executive branch differently than his Republican predecessor to operate it more efficiently, is paying fewer people to do more work and is cutting back on outside lawyers that Jindal frequently used.

This, an’ you people already know that Jindal’s commish of administration Kristy Nichols was catchin’ 204K and this guy John Bel’s commish of administration J. Ephialtes Dardenne is takin’ down 237K. Y’all already knew that. Now you know J. Ephialtes wasn’t so special after all.

It’s almost like this guy John Bel ran a lot of poop out of his mouth on account of he was tryin’ to get elected an’ know he’s not really all that serious about keepin’ to what he told all us rubes, right?

Like here’s this guy John Bel in the campaign…

An’ here’s him now that he’s governor…

No, it’s not cuz that guy John Bel looks like Axl Rose now, or even that he looked like TI before. If he looks like anybody it’s this guy.

But this ain’t what he promised. Of course, if you believed anything he said in the campaign you deserve exactly what you got. And there were a whole lot of y’all I ain’t gonna feel sorry for.

Still, you woulda thought he’d at least make it out of January before exposin’ himself for a fraud, right?



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