The Low Popahirum, January 18, 2016


“Clinton ditches the easy demeanor, Sanders goes full indignant, and the crowd loves Obama.” – Politico

“A group of Americans who disappeared in Baghdad over the weekend were kidnapped from their interpreter’s apartment, according to multiple Iraqi sources.” – Fox News

Donald Trump Knows a Thing or Two about Nastiness” – Red State

“For those of us who argue in favor of gun safety laws, there are a few inconvenient facts.” – NY Times

“This morning, Meet The Press host Chuck Todd asked presidential candidate Marco Rubio if he still supports ‘finding a way’ for the 11+ million illegal immigrants in the U.S. to stay.” – Real Clear Politics

Just this week a number of major media outlets each pondered the same riddle– how to account for the apparent inability if not outright disinterest among Republicans to hit Donald Trump in a way that might move the needle. Nate Silver of 538 looks at why the campaigns themselves have largely laid off Trump. McKay Coppins at Buzzfeed wonders what happenedto the cavalry that never came. Both describe a collective action problem stemming from misaligned incentives. As Silver succinctly puts it:” –

“Could this lady be any more tone deaf? Contrary to what her lackey, David Brock, over at Media Matters thinks, the issue of Benghazi is not going away. It’s bad enough she has accused the families of the victims of being liars but now she’s going to try and have us believe she’s “too busy” for a two hour movie?” – Red State

The phrase is just vague enough to suggest Trump doesn’t care about this or that issue that voters do, but not lock Cruz into any one attack. How it played at a tea party convention in South Carolina over the weekend.” –

Bernie Sanders told TIME on Sunday that he would be willing to raise taxes on the middle class in order to guarantee universal healthcare, after months of weathering attacks from Hillary Clinton.” –

Muslim employees are outraged by a policy change that was recently implemented by Ariens Manufacturing, an equipment manufacturer based in Brillion, Wisconsin, as employees can now only leave to pray during meal breaks.” – The Blaze


Transportation is expected to be a major topic in the upcoming regular session. Governor John Bel Edwards says he showed President Barack Obama the single lane of traffic motorists must pass through in Baton Rouge on I-10 when going from west to east.” –

Gov. John Bel Edwards is putting off his vow to try to replace state Superintendent of Education John White, officials familiar with the situation said.” – The Baton Rouge Advocate

“When David Bowie released his first single 50 years ago, I doubt he expected to inspire a New Orleans second line parade which temporarily shut down the city Saturday afternoon.” – LSU Reveille

“A convicted serial killer on death row is allegedly receiving medical attention away from Louisiana State Penitentiary.” –

Several events are planned Monday across Louisiana to celebrate and honor the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” –

“Carla and Carl Hebert, with two daughters and a granddaughter in tow, made the hourlong drive from their home in Lake Charles in October to watch a panel of Louisiana educators transform the controversial national Common Core standards into ‘Louisiana standards.’” – The Baton Rouge Advocate

The work week will be off to a cold start early Monday morning, and some areas north of the I-10 corridor may wake up to a little bit of light frost with lows expected to reach close to freezing.” –

Walmart (WMT) will close 269 stores around the world in a strategic move to focus more on its supercenters and e-commerce business, the company said Friday, including eight stores in Louisiana.” –

“Holding his cellphone, a calendar and two pens in one hand while shaking hands with the other, Taylor Barras walked off the dais after his first full day as Louisiana House speaker, apologizing to everyone he met for failing to return their phone calls as timely as he usually does.” – The Baton Rouge Advocate

The Louisiana Lottery Corp. says nobody won big weekend lotteries, so Wednesday’s jackpots are going up.” – Baytown Sun



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