OK, Trump Supporters, Can You Defend Roger Stone’s Threat To Expose GOP Convention Delegates’ Hotel Room Numbers?

The Trump campaign has been hit with criticism of its delegate operation in the face of a long string of examples of losing at state conventions, and it now appears many GOP convention delegates on Donald Trump’s slate might be more likely on a 2nd ballot to switch to Ted Cruz. There is clearly a lot of concern in the Trump camp over this, as the campaign has brought in Paul Manafort, who oversaw Gerald Ford’s successful delegate operation in the 1976 GOP convention floor fight Ford won over Ronald Reagan, to serve as its convention manager.

It appears that Camp Trump has another convention strategy as well, one Trump’s “outside man” Roger Stone, the old Nixon-era dirty tricks specialist who it just so happened was the only named source in that scurrilous National Enquirer article accusing Ted Cruz of having five different “mistresses,” outlined in a radio interview this morning as a response to delegates who would opt to vote for someone other than Trump…

That seems like a tactic a good candidate with a winning message wouldn’t need, right? Instead of working within the rules to staff the convention with the most favorable slates of delegates possible you just attempt to intimidate them into voting for you? How does Stone think that’s going to attract support for his candidate?

We say it all the time, but some of you support this. The question is, how? Isn’t this unsupportable?



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