UPDATED: Tulane Frat Builds Annual Wall Featuring Trump Slogan, Then These Football Players Illegally Tear It Down (VIDEO)

Updated: Whining college students petition Tulane University against frat’s Trump wall, claims it ‘threatens’ Muslims. Get the full story HERE. 

Updated: Tulane University’s Kappa Alpha fraternity erected their annual wall with a Donald Trump slogan to be satirical.

The fraternity brothers built a wall made out of sand-bags and wrote Trump’s famous slogan “Make America Great Again” across it.

Take a look at the pics of the wall here:

Trump wall Tulane2 Trump wall Tulane

But a supposed group of Tulane football players are apparently not fond of Trump, prompting them to rip down the wall, while fraternity members ask them to stop touching their property.

Take a look at the video here: 

Michael Strecker of Tulane University reached out to the Hayride to note that the fraternity is not supporting Trump, but that the sloganeering across the wall was satirical.

“The leadership of KA’s local chapter says that adding Donald Trump’s name and slogan to this year’s wall was done in order to satirize the candidate’s campaign promise, not to show support for him,” Strecker said in an email to the Hayride.



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