PRAGER U: What Should We Do About Guns?

Would stricter gun laws reduce gun violence? Could gun control measures in places like Australia work in America? Nicholas Johnson, professor of Law at Fordham University, explains that gun ownership is so pervasive in this country that even if the American people were to fully participate in an Australian-style “gun buyback,” you’d still have 200 million guns in private hands in this country. But of course, the American people aren’t going to participate fully in such a scheme, and international experience shows you have an enormous amount of defiance to such a program wherever it’s tried – so all you’re doing is turning law-abiding citizens into criminals by passing unconstitutional legislation that violates their Second Amendment rights.

The Left needs to accept your right to own a gun. They can do that. If the Right has to accept the welfare state, then the Left can accept your right to own a gun. Will they?

Elll. Ohh. Elll.



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