LANDRY: The Senate Should Confirm Jeff Sessions

In recent years, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has blatantly ignored America’s principle of being a government of laws and not men. By placing partisan politics over the Constitution, the DOJ has eroded the rule of law and our individual liberties.

From implementing the Fast and Furious gun-running scheme to ignoring the IRS harassment of political foes, abetting the Clean Power Plan overreach to ordering schools require our children to share locker rooms and bathrooms with people of the opposite sex – the DOJ has lost credibility of being a fair and impartial purveyor of justice. That is why we need Jeff Sessions as the Attorney General to head the Justice Department.

Mr. Sessions has a long career in public service with a proven record of defending the civil and legal rights of all Americans, safeguarding the public and promoting law and order. A former U.S. Army Reserve JAG Captain, federal prosecutor, state Attorney General, and now member of the Senate Judiciary Committee – Mr. Sessions has devoted his career to protecting our families and making our communities safer.

Mr. Sessions has championed the cause of ending opioid abuse. He has prosecuted violent criminals and targeted public corruption. Mr. Sessions has advocated for victim empowerment and the defense of all human life. He has been a strong proponent of religious freedom and our First Amendment rights. And Mr. Sessions is wholly committed to equal justice under the law.

As Louisiana’s chief legal officer, I am thrilled by the prospect of working with a federal partner like Mr. Sessions who opposes illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Our State has fallen prey to vehicular homicide, human trafficking, child exploitation, and other heinous crimes committed by illegal aliens. Like me, Mr. Sessions supports better coordination of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to keep us safe from drug cartels and terrorists. Tackling our broken immigration system will make Louisiana and all of America safer.

In short – Jeff Sessions has the knowledge, integrity, and fortitude to reverse the politicization of the DOJ. He will do all that he legally can to fix the government entity that has, as United States Senator Ted Cruz succinctly opined, “preferred to act as a quasi-legislature, attempting to rewrite straightforward laws – and even the Constitution itself – to fit its radical agenda… successfully transform[ing] the DOJ from a law enforcement agency to yet another law ‘enhancement’ agency.”

I encourage my fellow Louisianans to contact our Senators and ask they confirm Mr. Sessions’ nomination. Reach Senator Bill Cassidy by phone at 202-224-5824 or online at, and reach Senator John Kennedy by phone at 202-224-4623 or online at Together, we will make Louisiana an even better place to live, work, and raise our families.



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