Early in the morning on the Fourth of July, there was yet another police chase in Baton Rouge. Police officers noticed a young man driving a stolen vehicle around 1:30 a.m. on Dallas Drive, and thus the chase ensued.
The driver of the stolen vehicle was 18-year-old Jurail Kijuan Camel. An officer turned on his lights and sirens to initiate a traffic stop, but instead of stopping or even slowing down, Camel sped up and ran a stop sign.
He ended up on Airline Highway, where he hit speeds over 100 miles per hour WBRZ reports. Obviously this is much higher than the speed limits on that highway. According to the WBRZ article, police claim that Camel ran several red lights and tossed a baggie from the driver’s window during the chase. Upon retrieving the bag, police found that it was filled with marijuana.
Turning onto Sherwood Forest Boulevard, Camel drove across the median and into oncoming traffic. He jumped out of the stolen vehicle in a parking lot before he could bring it to a complete stop and began running from the police on foot. But law enforcement finally caught up to him and arrested him in the parking lot of a hotel.
He was charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, aggravated flight from an officer, possession of marijuana, obstruction of justice and resisting an officer.
But Camel wasn’t the only teenager stealing cars and getting arrested this holiday. A 15-year-old and a 16-year-old were caught burglarizing four vehicles and stealing another in the Millerville area. The events resulted in the 15-year-old accidentally shooting himself in the leg. Both of the teenagers were booked into jail on burglary charges, and luckily no one else was hurt.
Of course we don’t want to see Baton Rouge’s crime rate skyrocket like we’ve seen in New Orleans, but we definitely don’t want to continue hearing about such young people in our community contributing to the crime rate.