BAYHAM: Judge Kavanaugh And The Death Of Democracy

Log on to the Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post website and just below the masthead you’ll see the ominous words Democracy Dies in Darkness.
Ironically when trying to access an article linked to the world’s richest man’s printing press the stirring warning remains as the content below fade away as if snapped away by Thanos. Apparently Bezos values revenue from his cyber pay wall more than the free flow of information.
Those members of the American public bothering to pay attention are getting a glimpse at the beginning to the end of democracy and like Caesar, it is being done away in the Senate.

Specifically the Judiciary Committee room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

And unlike the Washington Post, I’m not exaggerating.

Let’s start from the top and work our way down to the political sewers.

Before President Donald Trump even mentioned the name of his nominee, rallies and protests were planned. Some groups had their Stop Kavanaugh signs preprinted. In the case of the March for Women, X was sufficient.

Prior to DC Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh having met with a single US Senator or testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, eleven Democratic US Senators declared their opposition to his nomination. It should be noted that Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Beyer had respectively only 3 and 9 votes cast against them, and those Clinton appointees are hardly centrists.

In doing so, they have disqualified themselves as being arbiters of Judge Kavanaugh’s worthiness and qualifications to serve on the nation’s highest court.

By their own admission, or rather bragging, they are declining further (assuming they engaged in any at all) deliberation through their own prejudice, thusly anything the “committed” say about the president’s SCOTUS nominee should either be dismissed by the media or followed by the premature date stamp of their knee jerk opposition.

That these same people screamed holy hell over not having access to every document ever touched by Judge Kavanaugh under the sun despite the volumes of information that had been release underscores their insincerity. Why would they need any of these papers when so many Democrats have already voiced their uncompromising opposition weeks before?

Now at this point, we have seen prominent leaders within the world’s greatest deliberative body brazenly advertise their refusal to do their job (that is deliberate), a declaration by Democrats that no conservative will be permitted to occupy a high judicial office by their vote.

We saw flashes of this obstructionism during the presidency of George W. Bush with the Gang of 14 but now we see this strategy in its full bloom.

It follows that if Republicans were to lose control of the Senate under this administration that Trump (and every other Republican president from here on out in such a predicament) will not have another judge confirmed to the federal courts on any level.

This breakdown in courtesy and tradition is in essence a refusal to recognize the results of the democratic process that produced the election of a president the Democratic caucus did not like.

Their problems should not be with the occupant of the Oval Office but with the voters.

This is the afterbirth that haunted some of our Founding Fathers: the corrupting influence of political parties.

Yet wrecking process is not enough for a caucus who works for Antifa and other assorted professional rabble-rousers underwritten by the progressive 1%.

America has witnessed coordinated disruptions by unhinged protesters within the committee hearings that led to Judge Kavanaugh’s family having to be escorted out by security and choreographed “slights” by planted Democratic figures with the intention of tainting the public’s view of the prospective justice with the rigged Left media providing Jim Garrison-like analysis of whether Judge Kavanaugh actually dismissed a “faux handshake” from a vocal critic of his nomination.


Short-circuiting the confirmation process by screaming and yelling is Second World politics. But the Democrats’ coup de grace is pure Eastern Bloc or worse.

US Senator Diane Feinstein, who is battling a challenger from her left flank, has played a game to delay the confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh by stringing out an uncorroborated accusation that a man who has already undergone fastidious background checks had as a teenager may have groped and fondled a girl at a high school party.

In 1983.

There was no documentation to support the allegation, such as a police report, just the hazy recollection of an accuser who is ideologically opposed to Judge Kavanaugh and as of this writing has not committed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

How can an individual making a charge without evidence indefinitely hold up the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice?

Republicans see this last second bombshell as a shameless play by the Democrats to stall the nomination past the mid-term election so their Democratic colleagues from Red States will have the freedom to vote against him.

At a minimum this spectacle seeks to taint those supporting Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the man himself, calling into question any ruling he provides the deciding opinion.

This isn’t a Booker-esque “Spartacus-farce” moment but something worse: gutter politics by which character assassination is utilized to derail the elevation of someone from a different party to the Supreme Court.

If this is the new normal of American government then we are close to failing Benjamin Franklin’s challenge of “keeping the republic”.



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