Politico: Kavanaugh accuser had restraining order against her

Politico reports that one of the false accusers against Judge Kavanaugh, Julie Swetnick, who alleges being sexually assaulted at a house party, had a restraining order filed against her by her former boyfriend.

Thirteen days later, the case was dismissed, not long after an affidavit of non-ability to advance fees was filed, Politico reports.

Swetnick allegedly threatened her ex-boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy, after they broke up and after he got married to his current wife and had a child.

“Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. “I know a lot about her.”

“She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”

Vinneccy, 63, is a registered Democrat, according to Miami-Dade County voting records, Politico reports.

Yesterday, in a sworn affidavit, Swetnick claims that Kavanaugh was at a party when she was the victim of a “gang rape” by multiple boys.

Vinneccy refutes this, arguing that he does not believe her story.

“I have a lot of facts, evidence, that what she’s saying is not true at all,” he said. “I would rather speak to my attorney first before saying more.”

Politico reports that when Avenatti was asked if the allegations of a restraining order were true, he said, “I don’t know one way or another.” He previously remarked that he vetted her in a sworn statement, and she said she still held government clearances.



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