WATCH: Elizabeth Warren’s Cringe-Worthy Attempt To Be Relatable

Elizabeth Warren may have more in common with Hillary Clinton than she would like, including an inability to relate to the average citizen.

In a video posted just hours after announcing a presidential exploratory committee, Warren attempts to use a beer and her significant other to score relate-ability points only to fail miserably.

Shortly after starting the video, Warren stops out of nowhere and squeezes out the words, “Hold on a sec, I’m gonna get me, um, a beer.”

Her husband walks by and declines a beer before reluctantly being sucked into the video at her request. “This is my sweetie,” Warren says as he hugged her before exiting stage right.

Twitter users were quick to excoriate the far-left darling for her unauthentic and robot-like behavior, some calling it her “Dukakis moment”.

Soon after the video, Elizabeth Warren took her presidential exploration to Iowa for multiple stops in the state with the first caucuses in the nation.

Her first campaign ad is a call to “join the fight” to “protect the promise of America”. In it, the Senator claims that “the middle class is under attack”.


The ad is packed with images of family, in fact she says the word “family” at least 6 or 7 times.

Catchphrases soon follow suit like “make Democracy work for all”, “make our economy work for all”.

Watch the campaign ad for yourself:

Hey, at least it’s better than Julian Castro’s video of him speaking into the camera the whole time. Elizabeth Warren is right though, the middle class is under attack but it’s not from Republicans, it’s from the far-left who are determined to “spread the wealth” which will decimate the middle class that they claim to fight for.

“The outcome of this election will depend on you,” she says. At least we can agree on that.



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