Today, a Christian man got up to speak about his mother on the anniversary of 9/11, to celebrate her memory and acknowledge that she was killed on Sept. 11, 2001.
Referring to the callous remarks made by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-MN, (that some people did something on 9/11) the man stood before a crowd wearing a t-shirt, “Some people did something?” and a Facebook Apostles hat, referring to a Christian group of which he’s a member.
“Some people did something? Why the confusion? 19 Islamic terrorists killed 3000 people. Is that clear,” he said.
“I was attacked. Our Constitution was attacked. Our Judeo-Christian founding was attacked. That’s what some people did.
“Got that now?”
“We are here today, congresswoman, to tell you and ‘the squad’ just who did what to whom. Show respect in honoring them, please.”
Today, the woman he was referring to, tweeted:
September 11th was an attack on all of us.
We will never forget the thousands of Americans who lost their lives in the largest terror attack on U.S. soil.
I will continue to fight to make sure we care for the first responders and families who lost loved ones. #NeverForget
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) September 11, 2019
The New York Post was just as blunt: