Well, my post yesterday about how anti-growth policies and Huey Long-style populism has produced long-term decline for Louisiana brought some interesting responses. My point was quite simple: if you use government to produce a negative environment for business, offering incentives to “buy” company headquarters and facility sightings simply will not remedy that problem, and the current governor is a clear practitioner of Louisiana’s ongoing mistakes.
Most of the reaction, I suspect from supporters of John Bel Edwards, went something like, “It’s been happening a long time, leave it alone.” The simple answer is yes, it has been happening a long time. But if one bothered to read the Advocate story about how DXC Technology has missed its hiring and salary targets and will now have to refund economic-development-incentive money back to the state one would find that during the last few years, as our state becomes less attractive to business which is the sole source of prosperity-producing jobs, the departure of Louisiana’s most talented people has been accelerating. Ironically, under Jindal, the trend had actually reversed as slightly more people had moved into our state.
So, for all of the readers out there that think that John Bel Edwards and his policies are off limits because it has been happening a long time, get over it. The reason it has been happening a long time is because we all just rolled over and allowed social populist politicians like John Bel Edwards (and others) drive us into the ground.
Simply put, our people were naive enough to believe that re-electing a governor who will just keep on doing the same failed things will somehow make it all better. It won’t, so wake up and realize that we have immeasurable potential but we allow defenders of the status quo keep us from achieving what is rightfully ours.
If you are happy with living in a state that is always last in everything, then you are obviously happy with the election. But don’t expect the rest of us to be silent as another four years is wasted.