Abortion has officially ended in Louisiana, making the Louisiana the first state in the country to close all abortion clinics. The closure was enforceable under Governor John Bel Edwards’ Chinese coronavirus mandate regarding non-essential medical work.
This piece of news was covered on Monday, March 23 by Life News. Aside from that outlet, Louisiana’s Right to Life organization posted the news and it hasn’t been mentioned in mainstream media.
Over the weekend, state officials issued an order mandating that all non-essential surgeries cease in the state while it battles the outbreak of the coronavirus. Several states have issued the same directive but only Ohio and Texas have indicated it also applies to abortions.
While Ohio abortion centers continue killing babies in abortions in defiance of the mandate, and Texas abortion businesses just got word today that the order applies to them as well, abortion centers in Louisiana apparently complied with the mandate.
Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, told LifeNews.com today, on Saturday, the Louisiana Department of Health issued new healthcare facility guidelines postponing all medical and surgical procedures unless the procedures are to treat an “emergency medical condition” as defined by the notice.
“Gov. Edwards and the Department of Health have put measures in place to aggressively stem the spread of COVID-19 and slow the unnecessary use of personal protection equipment that should be donated to hospitals. This new rule that applies across the board to all medical and surgical procedures is consistent with that life-saving goal.,” Clapper explained
The pro-life group followed up on the order with phone calls to each of the three abortion centers and confirmed that all of them are complying with the order so far.
“On Monday, all three Louisiana abortion facilities appear to be closed. In response to a telephone inquiry from a Shreveport-based woman, an official at Hope Medical Group for Women, the abortion facility in Shreveport, informed her they were closed but intended to ‘fight the law,’” he said.
Congratulations and acknowledgements are in order for Benjamin Clapper, Louisiana Right to Life, and the state of Louisiana for implementing and enforcing the laws on the books.
Meanwhile, as Congress works to hold the country together through the Chinese Coronavirus relief bill, Cruella De Ville-looking Nancy Pelosi stuffed the emergency measure with loads of non-essential crud including funding for Planned Parenthood.
The statewide media giant that is The Advocate/NOLA.com neglected to cover the statewide shutdown of abortion clinics to date even though, after years of opposing and flat out ignoring the people of Louisiana on issues such as historic preservation of monuments, it now wants everyone to support the Times Picayune. Peter Kovacs wrote this absurdly conflicting sentence in the editorial, “Louisianians need accurate and unbiased coverage more than ever, and they are turning to us as never before.” Unbiased and Times Picayune/NOLA.com cannot coexist. If it did, the people of Louisiana would be aware of issues like the Louisiana Right For Life’s work against murdering humans.
It may only be temporary under the COVID-19 emergency response, but Louisiana is still the first state to shut down the murder of innocent, unborn life. Abortion is murder.
One day, perhaps similar to the way contemporary society views slavery as utterly inhumane, future generations will look back on the liberal Democrats killing growing babies as the darkest sin of mankind.