One month ahead of 2016 Election 13 polls had Clinton leading Trump … How’d that work out?

Despite the rhetoric being pushed in mainstream media suggesting President Donald Trump will lose his reelection bid, Breitbart News published 13 polls that were conducted one month before the 2016 Election that had Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leading Trump by mostly double-digits.

Fast forward to 2020, and a rash of new polls again are saying the same thing, but this time it’s Joe Biden leading  Trump. A Real Clear Politics Average of Polls even has Joe Biden leading Trump by 9.6 points. This is embarrassing.

In December of last year, Trump was ahead of all Democratic candidates. He still is, which is why the Democrats have been relentless in their attempts to blame him for everything, even knowingly using false information to impeach him.

One need only look at the tens of thousands of people peacefully attending Trump rallies all over the U.S., or the number of Trump MAGA signs plastered across the country on billboards, along highways, from the back of people’s trucks or in their front yards–when no signs for Biden can be found.

Breitbart lists at least 13 polls that had Clinton ahead of Trump in the month before the November 2016 election:

1. PRRI/Brookings Poll (Oct. 19): Clinton was leading Trump by 15 points,

2. NBC/Wall Street Journal (Oct. 10): Clinton was leading Trump by 14 points in a one-on-one contest and  11 points  in a four way race,

3. AP Poll (Oct. 26): Clinton was leading Trump by 14 points,

4. Monmouth University Poll (Oct. 17): Clinton was leading Trump by 12 points,

5. ABC Poll (Oct. 23): Clinton was leading Trump by 12 points,

6. Atlantic/PRRI Poll (Oct. 9): Clinton was leading Trump by 11 points,

7. Saint Leo University Poll (Oct. 26):  Clinton was leading Trump by 11 points,

8. USA Today/Suffolk University Poll (Oct. 27): Clinton was leading Trump by 10 points in a one-on-one race and 9 points in a four way race,

9. Fairleigh Dickinson University Poll (Oct. 6): Clinton was leading Trump by 10 points,

10. SurveyUSA/Boston Globe Poll (Oct. 14): Clinton was leading Trump by 10 points,

11. CBS Poll (Oct. 17): Clinton was leading Trump by 9 points,

12. Bloomberg Poll (Oct. 19): Clinton was leading Trump by 9 points,

13. CNBC Poll (Oct. 27): Clinton was leading Trump by 9 points.

On Election Day 2016, Donald Trump won 306 Electoral College votes to Clinton’s 232 votes. Aided by election fraud, including illegals and dead people voting, using ballot harvesting and other methods, Clinton received 48 percent of the popular vote compared to Trump’s 46 percent.

After Congress convened to formally count the Electoral College votes in January 2017, Trump received 304 votes and Clinton received 227 votes. Seven votes were cast for other candidates.

There are a total of 538 Electoral College votes. A total of 270 votes are needed to win the election.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution requires each state legislature to determine how electors are chosen. Anyone holding an elected or appointed federal office are prohibited from being an elector.

Democrats have consistently argued the need to eliminate the Electoral College.

According to the National Archives, “The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. However, the term ‘electoral college’ does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to ‘electors,’ but not to the ‘electoral college’.”

In order to change or eliminate the Electoral College, a constitutional amendment would need to be proposed and approved by a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and ratified by three-fourths of the States.



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