Every Republican politician should do this every single time going forward. Frankly, it’s political malpractice that it isn’t already done and insisted upon, given the hack-job virtually every legacy media interview turns into once they’ve done their final cut for broadcast.
The 60 Minutes piece set to air on Sunday is almost certainly going to be a disaster for President Trump. You can tell from watching the raw video what they’re going for with the accusatory questions Stahl is asking – she’s looking to cross him up, and it’s apparent from the badgering of the questions that the producers are going to insert instant fact-checks right after everything he says.
But Trump had somebody shooting raw video for his own use, and so now you can see what actually happened in the interview – which is the repetitive cross-examination and argumentative questioning, coupled with wildly biased statements coming out of Stahl’s mouth. She actually disputes that Joe Biden is in the midst of a scandal, and even goes so far as to say it’s “unverified” that the Obama administration spied on his campaign.
You really can’t call yourself unbiased or objective if you can’t at least acknowledge there are legitimate questions about Biden family corruption at this point, or that there was abuse of the FISA process surrounding the use of the Steele dossier. Stahl refuses to even give Trump that much, while she accuses him of mismanaging the COVID pandemic and then attacks him for not demanding everybody in the country wear a mask whenever they leave the house.
He’s talking about having more than 11 million jobs created in two months and she accuses him of rising unemployment claims without noting that the vast majority of those claims are taking place in blue states which are still shut down by Democrat governors (in red states the average unemployment rate is 6.6 percent right now; it’s 10.4 percent in the blues).
It gets so bad that she accuses Trump of wanting to lock up Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, just after she accuses him of inspiring the kooks who plotted to kidnap Whitmer. It’s a perfectly bizarre and unprofessional line of questioning that Trump is rightly turned off by – which is Stahl’s intention, as if he’s visibly angry they’ll use that in the edit to make him look bad.
Everything about this bears the mark of a hit piece, and Trump is right to put out his recording before 60 Minutes has an opportunity to let it fly.
Think about how many times they’ve done this to other Republicans who didn’t have the foresight and stones to fight back by making their own recording to hold the media accountable for their own poor behavior.
Hat tip: Kira Davis at RedState