No, You Shouldn’t Wish Sickness On LaToya Cantrell, But…

…it would be impossible not to have a slight snicker at the delicious irony of what happened to the COVID-obsessed New Orleans mayor on Friday.

You’re aware of what happened to Cantrell on Friday, are you not? No? Well, let’s catch you up to speed

Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s trip to Washington D.C. to meet with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris was cut short.

A spokesperson for Mayor Cantrell’s office released the following statement Friday morning:

“Mayor Cantrell was unable to attend this morning’s meeting with President Biden and Vice President Harris, due to White House health screening and safety protocols.”

Mayor Cantrell received her vaccine on Feb. 10.

Just before 1 p.m., the mayor’s office released an updated statement:

“This morning at the White House, prior to meeting with President Biden, Mayor Cantrell took a screening COVID test and received a positive result. She then visited a local testing clinic in the DC area, where she took a second test – a confirmatory PCR test. The PCR test results were negative.”

“At no time did the Mayor display any symptoms, and she remains asymptomatic and in good spirits. She will return home as scheduled this evening.”

“The Mayor received her first dose of vaccine on Wednesday of this week. The vaccine does NOT cause a positive test, as it does not contain any actual virus. It takes time to build full immunity, and individuals are only considered to be fully immunized and 95% protected at 2 weeks after the second dose. That is the reason that everyone needs to continue to wear masks, socially distance, and avoid large gatherings.”

“The Mayor was disappointed to be unable to meet with President Biden this morning, but she remains confident that the new administration will be a strong partner for New Orleans. She looks forward to receiving her second dose of vaccine in a few weeks.”

Cantrell has, of course, completely destroyed the New Orleans tourism and hospitality economy during a time when its struggling merchants, restaurateurs and others had been depending on a Mardi Gras season rebound. She closed all the bars for the whole week before Mardi Gras and sentenced many of those businesses to bankruptcy.

And why? To stop the spread of COVID, of course.

We already know that these moronic lockdowns don’t stop the spread of COVID. But Cantrell is the Lockdown Queen, and she has done everything she could to maximize the damage to the city’s economy. Worse, it’s been insult on top of injury in some of the cases where she’s dropped the hammer on non-compliers.


So while no decent person wishes any COVID symptoms on the mayor, the fact that she was barred from face time with President Biden after nearly a year of interfering with everyone else’s life looks a little like social justice.

Oh – and here’s a question: did this woman get on a commercial flight while possibly serving as a carrier of the virus?



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