The FDA-approved and CDC-recommended Pfizer vaccination for Covid-19 caused fatal health complications for a 33 year old Louisiana man.
Brandon Pollet, a husband and father living in Ponchatoula, succumbed on January 28th after autoimmune issues attacked following his Covid-19 vaccine injection in August 2021. The St. Charles Herald Guide reported the tragedy last month. Brandon was laid to rest by friends and family on February 2nd.
Brandon Pollet is survived by his wife Jessica and one year old daughter Madison. Jessica was kind enough to answer questions from The Hayride and her story is best old in her own words:
“I am a CRNA and work at a local hospital in Hammond. Although we were unsure and fearful of Covid and how it would affect us if we caught it at first, we were still very hesitant to get the vaccine. Our hesitancy was mostly because of the unknown and small reports of things such as infertility after the vaccine. Our naturopath also recommended we not get it.
“However, during the time we decided to get our first dose, in August, I was working in a Covid unit and seeing patients in their 30s and 40s on a ventilator during the Delta wave and we started to get scared. We went back and forth about our decision for weeks. We still hadn’t had Covid. One day we said we would get it and the next we decided against it.
“One day, we just decided to get it over with. We were not mandated by anyone, but we assumed the mandates were coming anyway so we did use that as another deciding factor. Brandon always said, ‘I’d prefer to get the shot by my own choice because if I had to get it as a requirement from my job, without choice, I would have to quit. I like my job and don’t really want to lose it.’
“Even when it came time to get our second doses, we felt very uneasy about it. But, we also thought it would make life easier to have the ‘stupid card’ completed, in terms of work and travel. Looking back, we should have listened to our guts and our troubled feelings about getting the vaccine.
“After his first Pfizer vaccine shot, August 4th, Brandon developed a headache that lasted a couple of days but was fine after. After his second shot, August 25, 2021, he developed a headache almost immediately, which we thought nothing of because he had the same symptom last time. As the days went on, the headache did not subside and about 3 days later, he developed fever. The fever and headache would come and go. He described the headache as severe, pounding, worst headache he had ever had. The fever would get as high as 103F. He felt very fatigued overall.
“Brandon went to urgent care and they were able to tell he had an enlarged spleen. A lot of his lab work was out of normal range, including his white blood cell count and liver enzymes. He seen a hematologist a couple times during this period for concerns of cancer, but nothing was ever diagnosed.
“He continued on like this for a couple of months until he just got more and more sick, could barely get out of bed, became dizzy, fever with uncontrollable shivers, and headache then went into the ER in October. From here, they admitted him. Drs. from St. Tammany hospital searched near and far to figure out what was going on with him. At a loss, the decided he may have a rare disease called Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). From here he was transferred to Ochsner Main in New Orleans because they deal with HLH more than the prior hospital.
“When he arrived, Ochsner Main ruled out HLH because his blood work numbers weren’t ‘that high,’ even though he met the majority of the criteria. They ended up diagnosing him with a rare autoimmune disease called Adult Onset Stills Disease. This disease is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning, after testing for everything else under the sun, if some of the symptoms match, they fall back on this diagnosis.
“Brandon was seen by almost every type of doctor in the hospital and had almost every test run. He was stuck for blood hundreds of times. They did a lumbar puncture, bone marrow biopsy, liver biopsy, and so much blood work. Everything was negative. Infectious disease saw him and tested him for all possible infections but nothing was to be found. So, they settled on the Stills disease diagnosis.
“He was discharged home on steroids, still not completely well. His lab work was still very abnormal and he felt horrible every time he did anything. We were waiting on an immunosuppressant drug to be delivered to our home that was supposed to be the treatment for Stills disease. For whatever reason, over a month later, this drug did not arrive.
“By December 8th, Brandon started developing severe fevers again, going as high as 103.7F. He had uncontrollable shivering with the fevers. He could not control his temperature. He felt extremely fatigued, could barely move around without pain from his joints in arms and legs, and felt very weak and dizzy. He went into the ER again December 14, 2021, and was admitted. His labs were extremely abnormal. White blood cell count dangerously low, blood clotting numbers dangerously low, liver enzymes elevated, all inflammation markers, including ferritin, extremely elevated.
“After a few days, they decided to diagnose him with HLH. From here, he was started on the 2004 HLH protocol, which included chemotherapy, along with a few other meds, including Anakinra. As time kept progressing, he was not getting better, his labs kept worsening. He required blood products at least once a day, sometimes more. There came a point where they decided there was not much more they could offer him in terms of treatment. His body started going into liver and kidney failure. His body started shutting down. On January 27, 2022, he was discharged to hospice and died the next day.
“We would always mention that all of his symptoms started right after the vaccine. There was one doctor, his primary care physician, who said that he thought the vaccine definitely led to what he was suffering with. When we would ask the doctors at the hospital their opinion on if the vaccine could have led to his condition, some doctors would say more than others.
“An overall consensus was that HLH or Stills disease usually has a trigger. That trigger can be from anything that insults the immune system, usually a virus or cancer. But they did say that it was possible that the vaccine could have an immune response that could have led to his disease, although there’s no way to be entirely sure. They say that’s why most people die from this disease, because they can’t identify the exact cause. The hospital that he was admitted to had vaccine mandates for all employees and it was rare they accepted exemptions. They were even partnered with Pfizer. So, it was not surprising to us that they never fully admitted or documented that the vaccine was the cause for my husband’s death.
“I submitted a VAERS report on my own. I got a response a couple days later for a ‘STAT: Medical Records request for COVID-19 vaccine recipient.’ The doctors at the hospital would never file a VAERS report although Brandon asked multiple times. I submitted a vaccine injury report on Pfizer’s website and I have not heard anything back from them.”
On January 29th, two days after Brandon’s tragic passing, Jessica posted on social media: “He fought so hard. I have never seen someone put up such a fight. He said ‘I’m sorry, I tried to beat it’ as he was dying. I feel so bad for what he went through.”
The Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers have yet to advertise the Covid-19 vaccines on television. According to the FDA, television product claim ads must include the drug’s brand and generic names, accurately state an FDA-approved use for the drug, and requires “fair balance” of information about the risks and benefits among other requirements.
Governments, activists, healthcare employees, celebrities, sports figures, and media outlets have all pushed and pushed and pushed to get Americans to take vaccine treatments, but they do not discuss vaccine health risks. They may discuss Covid health risks, but not vaccine health risks. And when vaccine risks are questioned, the response is almost always about health risks said to be associated with Covid.
The mainstream media is right next to these public figures holding up the megaphone to amplify this perceived need for people to vaccinate from a virus with a 99.986% recovery rate in Louisiana.
The FDA admits vaccine risks to the public. The FDA’s website from its August 23, 2021, announcement of the full approval of Pfizer’s vaccine for 16 year olds and older states:
“The FDA conducted a rigorous evaluation of the post-authorization safety surveillance data pertaining to myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and has determined that the data demonstrate increased risks, particularly within the seven days following the second dose. The observed risk is higher among males under 40 years of age compared to females and older males. The observed risk is highest in males 12 through 17 years of age.”
And from August 20, 2021: “Information is not yet available about potential long-term health outcomes.”
The Louisiana Health Department website only has a little blurb about potential risks or side effects from the vaccine, despite the FDA website stating otherwise. Louisiana Department of Health: “What Are the Possible Side Effects? Minor side effects like swelling, fever and chills are a normal sign the body is building protection and will go away in a few days or less. Serious side effects are rare.”
The highest official in Louisiana, Governor John Bel Edwards, is himself a vaccine queen. Despite a politically diverse vote in the Louisiana Legislature against Edwards’ push for a school vaccine mandate, the governor went ahead and aligned Louisiana with California in being the only two states that added Covid-19 vaccines to the required list of school shots.
“I just think it’s really, really important to embrace the science … and not engage in misinformation,” said John Bel Edwards on December 14, 2021. “The vaccines are safe and effective and, in Louisiana, they’ve only resulted in a handful of severe adverse reactions and zero deaths.”
Seeing that the state of Louisiana and city of New Orleans (which mandated vaccines for everyone 5 years old and up) conceal vaccine health risks raises more concern into the trustworthiness of these two government bodies. If they wanted to promote the best health choices, a good place to start would be informing the people of risks associated with medical inoculations that governments are forcing upon people.
Jessica Pollet said she has not been contacted by anyone from the State of Louisiana, not the Louisiana Department of Health, not Governor John Bel Edwards, not Joseph Kanter. She has received public support as word spread mostly from people sharing the Herald Guide article.
“I have been contacted by numerous people in Louisiana, people in other states, and people in other countries (Ireland) about their or their loved one’s negative response to the covid vaccine. Some had the same exact diagnosis as my husband, some had other diagnosed autoimmune diseases, some had other ‘weird autoimmune’ things that hadn’t been diagnosed. The overall response was one of loss, pain, and suffering. Most people told me their stories in private. Most people were scared to share their story. I have been trying my best to help spread the awareness for my husband and these others.”
This tragedy is a rare situation, however it should be reported and discussed. Brandon Pollet was a seemingly healthy 33 year old family man. After his second vaccine shot, his life was changed never to be the same again. Brandon’s health deteriorated and almost exactly five months after his second Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination, he died.
It’s pretty evident that few in the medical community are speaking out about cases that disrupt the highly-politicized narrative that “everyone in America needs to be vaccinated.”
The vaccines are not performing as stated by public figures from the local council and mayor level to governors to Congressmen to Joe Biden, “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” (July 21, 2021)
The vaccines are not a magic weapon. Covid-19 still spreads amongst vaccinated people. This push to vaccinate all needs to end. More lawsuits need to be filed and to hold these figure heads accountable. All the politicians want to hold unvaccinated people accountable for Covid spread. They blame people who refuse to rush into what can very easily be described as a global conspiracy. Meanwhile, they act as if they have immunity from prosecution. Hopefully a keen legal mind will connect with the Pollet family.
“We are still here fighting for you but in a different way. We are fighting to spread your story and make it right. We will spread your story as far as possible, all over the country,” Jessica Pollet posted on social media. “This is not the way we want to spread awareness about vaccine injuries but we have no choice now. If other people would have spoken up, maybe your outcome would have been different. But, now we will use your story to help many others and hopefully change their outcome.”