ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Crime In New Orleans Must Be Stopped NOW

New Orleans is descending into lawlessness and anarchy. The latest murder victim in New Orleans is a sixteen-year-old boy.

Here’s a video of the incident (CONTENT WARNING):

In another incident this morning, two teenage girls were shot in Venetian Isles.

Crime is out of control in New Orleans. In addition, the entire city is dangerous. Crime is not confined to just a few “bad sections” of the city, as if that was acceptable in the first place.

New Orleans is such a dangerous city because the city has a mayor in LaToya Cantrell that is in way over her head, at best, and an ideologically-motivated incompetent drunk, at worst. To make things worse, the city has a district attorney in George Soros-backed Jason Williams that is not interested in prosecuting anybody.

All of this has attracted the attention of Tucker Carlson, the country’s number 1 rated cable news host. He blasted the leadership of the city for enabling its criminal element. In addition, the blasted the New Orleans Police Department for being more interested in attending “drag brunches” than actually fighting crime.

This past weekend saw a large number of stunt driving incidents where cars did donuts in the middle of the street in broad daylight. The New Orleans Police Department did nothing to stop it in most instances.

But we also had this incident caught on video where a bunch of punks brandished handguns and AR-15s near the Morial Convention Center with no intervention by the New Orleans Police Department.

We simply cannot have this level of lawlessness and anarchy in a major American city. The very reason why governments are instituted in the first place are to protect life, liberty, and property. By that very basic standard, the city of New Orleans is an absolute failure.

The New Orleans Police Department is about 600 officers short of its minimum required force to secure the city. The New Orleans City Council is proposing bonuses for new officers, which might help.


But the real problem is the environment NOPD officers work under. They’re not paid very much as it is for the job they do. In addition to their low overall pay, they’re not supported by the mayor and the district attorney. Why should they bother doing their job when the perps they arrest are back on the street almost immediately because the DA refuses to prosecute them? Under those conditions, many officers are like “why bother” and head for other departments where they have more community support.

Some members of the New Orleans City Council have called for deploying the National Guard to the city.

A New Orleans city council member floated the idea of calling in the national guard to help combat the city’s surging crime rate Wednesday.

Democratic councilman Oliver Thomas pointed to shootings and a spate of dangerous street stunts that indicate New Orleans police are not up to the task.

“Maybe it’s time to talk about bringing in the National Guard,” Thomas said Tuesday, according to WDSU 6. “If it’s realistic to save lives, to stop these people from coming to shoot up our town.”

“If it’s realistic to stop them from disrespecting our municipal and criminal laws that may be the only realistic thing we can count on,” he added.

Deploying the National Guard doesn’t really solve the problem of failed leadership in the city. To do that, New Orleans voters need to make better choices at the ballot box and use the recall mechanism to get rid of failed leadership. If San Francisco can recall its Soros-backed “progressive prosecutor” who didn’t want to prosecute anyone, New Orleans can do the same.

Tourism is a major portion of this state’s economic activity. Most of that tourism goes to New Orleans. Do you think people are going to come to the city when the nation’s number 1 cable news host is saying even the French Quarter is unsafe? If New Orleans is unwilling to get its crime problem under control, the Louisiana legislature must be willing to step in for the sake of the entire state.

Enough is enough. It’s time to restore law and order in New Orleans.



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