If there was one item in the 2022 legislative session that should sound the death knell for two political careers, it is House Continuing Resolution 3 (HCR 3) authored by Representative Larry Bagley. HCR 3 was unceremoniously crushed by Republican Senator Rogers Pope (Livingston and Tangipahoa Parishes) and Republican Senator Fred Mills (Lafayette, Iberia, and St. Martin Parishes) on May 11, 2022, in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. Mills is the Chairman of the Committee.
In September 2021 LDH (Louisiana Department of Health), a corrupt and thoroughly mismanaged regulatory agency, proposed that the experimental Covid shot and any CDC recommended booster shots be added to the list of required immunizations for Louisiana public school students as a condition of in person attendance. In December 2021 this proposed rule was overwhelmingly and rightly rejected (13-2) by the House Health and Welfare Committee in its oversight capacity, on compelling procedural and substantive grounds. Governor Edwards, never one to acknowledge that the United States Constitution does not countenance Rule by Divine Right of Kings, nonetheless bludgeoned the rule into effect despite overwhelming legislative rejection, despite the absence of any state of emergency, despite increasing evidence of severe adverse reactions among American citizens to the covid shot, and despite the CDC admitted fact that 99.99% of children are at no risk of death or hospitalization from Covid.
HCR 3 was brought in direct response to this grossly unconstitutional action by the governor and would have legislatively repealed in its entirety the LDH rule requiring the covid vaccine as a condition of in person learning. On May 11, 2022, Robert Malone, MD, a principal inventor of mRNA vaccine technology and arguably the world’s pre-eminent authority on the issue, Attorney General Jeff Landry, and Solicitor General Liz Murrell all provided compelling testimony before Republican Mills’ Senate Committee in favor of HCR 3. The most poignant testimony was Murrell’s, who spoke movingly about the severe adverse effect the covid vaccine had on her young son. Numerous lay witnesses offered testimony as well.
Despite damning evidence, and in the face of overwhelming support among Louisiana citizens to reject mandatory covid injections for our students, Republican Mills and Republican Pope killed this enormously important legislation, Mills by feebly abstaining from the vote and Pope by not showing up to vote at all. The final Committee vote was 4-3. If Republicans Mills and Pope had done their duty and voted to protect public school students in Louisiana from naked executive overreach, HCR 3 would have passed out of Senate Committee in a 5-4 vote and onto the full Senate for final vote. Mills, as Chairman of the Committee, had the opportunity to assert deeply meaningful legislative oversight in the face of clear executive tyranny on an issue of profound public importance. Mills and Pope had a precious opportunity to send a powerful message to the Governor regarding the legitimate balance of power in a constitutional republic, and they failed miserably to do so. Although the Governor and the LDH relented on May 18, 2022, in their effort to force the Covid shot on our students due to public backlash, they should never have been given the choice. The failure of HCR 3 is a breathtaking example of RINO cowardice perpetrated by two Republicans whose shameful dereliction of duty should be remembered in infamy by Louisianans for generations to come. The issue was too vital, the evidence of harm too great, our children’s health too important to entertain summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, and to leave the issue in the hands of a corrupt health agency and a despotic Governor. In a moment when bold constitutional leadership was needed the most, we got instead two shameless “Republican” political poltroons who have now slivered away, hoping that their betrayal of their Party, the Constitution, and the citizens of Louisiana will be forgotten. It must never be.