LACAG: The 13 Republicans Who Marred The Veto Session

The Louisiana Legislature, for the first time in history, successfully overruled a Governor’s veto in a special legislative session called for that purpose.  The Legislature reinstated through veto override the prohibition against horrific “transgender” procedures on minors in Louisiana (HB 648). In doing so, the Legislature took an important first step in dismantling the “imperial governorship” in Louisiana and a critical step in protecting our minors from the Lunatic Left.

The leadership in the Louisiana Senate had said before the veto override session that it wanted to vote only on HB 648, and then go home. Due to relentless pressure by citizens across Louisiana, numerous other critically important Bills directly affecting our freedom were called for a vote in the House. Several passed, only to fail narrowly in a Republican dominated Senate. Many others failed to pass the House by 1 vote, conveniently relieving the Senate of having to even record a public vote on those Bills.

In a Republican dominated House and Senate, the question is: WHY would HB 648 be the only Bill that was passed over the Governor’s veto? WHY did the legislature cave in on so many other important Bills that had passed in the regular session by substantial majorities and then vetoed?


Thirteen Republicans, through their acts, omissions, or absence, caused one or more of these vitally important Bills to fail. The same Republicans who ran for office promising to protect your interests. They had a golden opportunity to finish the job for Louisiana citizens and they failed to do so. They handed the ball to the opponent on the 10-yard line and headed for the showers.


This is not acceptable.  In fact, it is reprehensible.

On the next The State of Freedom podcast tomorrow, Danielle and I will go through these Bills, these votes, and these Republicans, by name, and we will demand answers. We challenge every other legislative advocacy organization in Louisiana to do the same.

Millions of Louisiana citizens have been betrayed due to the inaction of these Republicans on massively important legislation.  And we should all know their names well.

Knowledge is Power.

Let’s Roll.

Chris Alexander

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