GARLINGTON: Layers of Meaning in “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”

The connection between monkeys and men is full of meaning.  This is true not only for the scientific age in which we live, in which Darwin’s theory of evolution still has a great deal of influence, but also for the religious stories of the distant past.  The 2011 movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes, a re-boot of the 1960s film series about primates that have surpassed humans in intelligence, morality, etc., is a modern elaboration of this connection, adding its own layers of meaning to this age-old link.

1. The Re-Telling of an Old Myth

Jay Dyer and others have been telling us for years that Hollywood, through its movies, is giving mankind a new mythology to believe in.  Rise is an exceptionally good illustration of this.  It follows closely the Chinese myth of the Monkey King, whose name is Sun Wukong, but changes it in some small but significant ways.

In both stories, no reference is made to any kind of divinity (except for dishonorable use in Rise); it is due purely to natural forces that super intelligent apes appear.  Sun Wukong is birthed from Yin and Yang:

According to Journey to the West, the Monkey King is born from a strong magic stone that sits atop the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. This stone is no ordinary stone, however, because it receives the nurture of heaven (yang), which possesses a positive nature, and earth (yin), which possesses a negative nature, and thus is able to produce living beings (according to Taoist philosophies). The stone develops a magic womb, which bursts open one day to produce a stone egg about the size of a ball. When the wind blows on the egg, it turns into a stone monkey that can already crawl and walk.

In Rise, the gifted chimp Caesar is born in a similar manner.  The heavenly yang is represented by an experimental Alzheimer’s drug, ALZ-112, given to Caesar’s mother, Bright Eyes.  Bright Eyes herself represents the earthly yin element (mother = matter = earth).

Sun Wukong’s eyes draw attention to him in the old myth:  ‘As his eyes move, two beams of golden light shoot toward the Jade palace and startle the Jade Emperor.’  In the new story, Caesar’s eyes are also evidence of his advancement – his irises turn green after treatment with the drug, as noticed by this story’s Jade Emperor, the young, wise, and virtuous Dr. Will Rodman.

Sun Wukong has a marked effect on other monkeys when he associates with them:  ‘On the mountain, the monkey joins a group of other wild monkeys. After playing, the monkeys regularly bathe in a stream.’  The same happens when Caesar is placed with other primates in a shelter after a mishap with Rodman’s neighbor:  He not only teaches those in captivity with him, but exposes them to an upgraded version of the Alzheimer’s drug, ALZ-113, which grants them the same super intelligence that he has.

There is an antagonist in both stories that must be confronted.  In the old legend this is the Demon King:  ‘After the Monkey King returns, he learns that a demon called the Demon King of Confusion is kidnapping the monkeys of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to use as slaves. He subsequently kills the demon and his minions, saving the kidnapped monkeys.’  In Rise, the Demon King is Steven Jacobs, one of the supervisors of Gen-Sys, the maker of the Alzheimer’s drugs and other pharmaceuticals, who brings chimps and other primates to the Gen-Sys lab to test experimental medicines on them.  At the end of the film, Jacobs and the police team he calls upon to exterminate the gifted monkeys meet their demise at the hands of Caesar and his companions.

The Monkey King and his followers find a home in the Chinese myth:  ‘He finds a large iron bridge over rushing water, across which is a cave. He persuades the other monkeys to jump in also, and they make it into their home.’  Likewise, Caesar and his host make their home in a dense forest that they can only enter by crossing a similar large metal bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, upon which they have their battle with Jacobs and the police.

After these events, the stories of Sun Wukong and Caesar unfold further in other myths and movies.

It is noteworthy that Hollywood is continually operating in the regions of myth, attempting to mold the human soul into a particular, usually un-Christian, shape.  Thomas Millary describes what we are exposing ourselves to in typical Hollywood films in his essay for The Ludwell Review, ‘Divining the Dream Machine: Science-Fiction, Hollywood, & the Technology of Antichrist’:

Hollywood-driven pop-culture is a series of artificially constructed dream worlds, a dissociative prison built by sadists, psychopaths, sexual deviants, criminals, and spies. A false and tortured form of immortality is as much the goal of Hollywood dissociation as it is of the Machine at large. “The creation of a surrogate reality to escape into and rule over, a matrix-womb that is a simulation of the lost maternal body, is achieved through the meticulous and painstaking assemblage of a mosaic of eidetic memory images, a celluloid (and cellular?) panopticon made up of copies of reality. A matrix.”30

II. Revelation of the Method

Michael Hoffman II continues this line of thinking.  He describes modern films as ‘ceremonial psychodrama,’ a way, as we have said, for the evil, globalist Elite to condition the mind of the deracinated, de-Christianized masses to suit their own ends.  One of the techniques involved is what is called the Revelation of the Method, in which the Elite openly reveal a criminal act they plan to commit before they actually do so as a show of their absolute power of those masses (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Independent History & Research, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 2001, pgs. 51-3).

Rise of the Planet of the Apes contains a glaring example of the Revelation of the Method.  Released several years before covid, it nevertheless shows us that a man-made epidemic was very much in the plans of the Elite.  When humans are exposed to the ALZ-113 drug, which is delivered via an aerosolized virus that alters the genes of the brain (thus, a gene therapy, like the covid shots), it has devastating effects, causing what is called in a sequel Simian Flu, which spreads around the world from San Francisco and wipes out a large part of the human population.


This is, of course, similar to what played out during the covid epidemic, though it was much milder in its effects than the ‘Simian Flu.’  Nevertheless, the globalist Elite are very much concerned with what they consider the overpopulation of the planet and because of that are obsessed with lowering the number of human beings living on it.  Another stark example of this from Hollywood comes via the Netflix series Travelers, developed by Brad Wright of Stargate fame, whom we have noted elsewhere for his covid tip-offs in Stargate SG-1.  He gave an even stronger one in season 2 of Travelers, episodes ‘Jenny’ and ‘U235’ (aired in 2017), in which a faction in the future spreads a very covid-like virus (complete with respiratory distress) surreptitiously through what was thought to be a vaccine against a killer virus.  The faction’s reason for spreading a deadly virus?  ‘[T]o save the future by killing 2 billion people in the present’.

But this is not all.  There is another covid connection with Rise.  Just as the movie had the Simian Flu that had a debilitating effect on humans (not merely killing them, but also making survivors mute), it has also been discovered that the covid gene therapy shots made by Pfizer and Moderna are contaminated with large amounts of DNA of Simian Virus 40 (SV40).  Dr. Michael Nevradakis reports,

In what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome.

Health Canada, the country’s public health authority, told The Epoch Times that while Pfizer provided the full DNA sequences of the plasmid in its vaccine at the time of the initial submission, the vaccine maker “did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.”

“Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” it said.

Health Canada’s admission came after two scientists, Kevin McKernan and Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D., discovered the presence of bacterial plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines at levels potentially 18-70 times higher than the limits set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency.

They tested four expired Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials “thought to only contain mRNA” and found to contain “double-stranded DNA plasmids.”

In all of this is demonstrated a gnostic attitude toward God’s creation – that it is flawed, and man, with his all-powerful brain, through science, which is a subtle form of magic, ‘mechanism devoid of magic’ (Hoffman, pgs. 49-50, quote at p. 50), will perfect it.

III.  Creature Care

But that is not the way God intended for the healing of the wounded creation, wounds caused not by the imperfections of the Holy Trinity or His works, but by the evil actions of mankind.  The Holy Elder Paisios of Mount Athos (+1994) explains how mankind can undo the harm he has done:

The animals enjoy being with man and look at him as their king . . . .  In Paradise, Adam called the animals one by one and gave them each a name according to its kind.  Animals recognized man’s superiority and were happy in his presence.  After the fall, however, this relationship was destroyed.  Man looked at the beasts with the intention of killing them, and the animals became wild.  Nevertheless, the wild animals are still more sincere than man is.  If you approach them with love, they return to that pristine state.  Man has ruined the animals.  Even the dog that lives continually by man’s side has changed, acquiring a police mentality and a distrustful character (Dionysios Farasiotis, The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, Cal., 2019 , p. 252).

But mankind, by and large, refuses this road.  Many are allied, knowingly or unknowingly, with the devil and his demons, and the pride that arises from that alliance chases away humility and love, the fountain of all the other virtues, and sends him down all kinds of roads towards self-destruction.  One of those roads we mentioned at the outset – evolution of man from monkeys.  St. Paisios has some choice words for those who try to push this false teaching on others:

And then there’s this thing to think about. Christ was born of a human being, the Panagia [i.e., the All-Pure and Ever-Virgin Mary, the Mother of God—W.G.]. Are we to believe that His ancestors were apes? What blasphemy! And those who support this theory don’t realize that they are blaspheming. They throw a stone and do not check to see how many heads they have cracked. All you will hear from them is: “Mine went further than the other fellow’s.” That’s what they are all about these days; they marvel at who will throw a stone the farthest. But they care nothing about those who are passing by and the many heads their stones will crack.

For all of its other meanings, Rise’s most prominent and important one is that mankind, by abusing the creatures he was supposed to care for in order to extend his own life, winds up hurting himself instead and creating an unnatural beast that becomes more powerful than he is.

It is an old warning, but mankind, hard-hearted and stiff-necked, seems ever in need of hearing it again and again and again.



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