GARLINGTON: We Probably Shouldn’t Call Them “Fossil” Fuels

Erik Root, in an article for the Chronicles web site detailing the pitfalls of electric vehicles, does something else within it that is even more valuable:  He includes several links discussing the renewable nature of hydrocarbon energy.  Yes, you read that right – hydrocarbons are renewable.  Let’s have a look at some of what he shared (the information below deals mostly with oil and natural gas; yet even coal can be produced quickly, discussed here; a related article is here).

Appearing at American Thinker in 2012, this will serve as a good introduction:

President Barack Obama and his green energy confederates are determined to scare the public about a declining supply of “fossil fuels.”  If we accept the idea that oil is produced by the conversion of organic matter — from plants to dinosaurs — under extreme pressure, we must also accept the idea that there is a limited supply of oil and that we’ve got to do everything we can to find a replacement for fossil fuels before we run out.

The evidence is mounting that not only do we have more than a century’s worth of recoverable oil in the United States alone (even if there is a limit to the earth’s oil supply), but that we also actually have a limitless supply of Texas tea because oil is in fact a renewable resource that is being constantly created deep under the earth’s surface and which rises upward, where microscopic organisms that thrive in the intense pressure and heat miles below us interact with and alter it.

In other words, we have an unending supply of oil, some of which is constantly migrating upward from the depths at which it is created to refill existing oil deposits, and much more of which remains far below the surface.  This oil can be recovered using existing technology.

Scientist Thomas Gold presents the decades-old theory of “abiotic” oil-creation, which supports these facts, in his book, The Deep Hot Biosphere.  In it he explains that the idea of the “biotic” creation of “fossil fuels” — that decaying organic matter is compressed into oil — is incorrect.  In fact, the earth is constantly producing new oil very deep below its surface, and in some cases the oil flows up to replenish existing oil fields thought to be exhausted.  In simple terms, the microscopic organisms mentioned above interact with the hydrocarbons, altering them and leaving their footprint, thus disproving the notion that oil is a “fossil fuel.”

Here’s an example of how the process plays out:

‘Eugene Island is an underwater mountain located about 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1973 oil was struck and off-shore platform Eugene 330 erected. The field began production at 15,000 barrels a day, then gradually fell off, as is normal, to 4,000 barrels a day in 1989. Then came the surprise; it reversed itself and increased production to 13,000 barrels a day. Probable reserves have been increased to 400 million barrels from 60 million. The field appears to be filling from below and the crude coming up today is from a geological age different from the original crude, which leads to the speculation that the world has limitless supplies of petroleum.’

The theory of what Gold calls the deep hot biosphere was explored more fully in Stalinist Russia in the 1940s when the Russian dictator demanded that his scientists find a way to increase Soviet oil production.  As they explored the idea that oil and other hydrocarbons are constantly being generated deep beneath the earth’s surface, Russian technology was developed in the 1970s to test the theory by drilling as deep as 40,000 feet into the earth.  As a result, Russia was the first nation to begin to understand and exploit these renewable oil reserves, and today their oil industry is thriving. . . .

Since this is the case, how did the term ‘fossil fuel’ come into use?  Unsurprisingly, the corporate, super wealthy Elite, coined it to manipulate populations.  A chemical engineer in Syracuse, NY, writes:

Oil was first found in the early 19th century as a lubricant for motors and transportation. It eventually became a valuable fuel and John D. Rockefeller, a leader in the business at the time, made a fortune from both transporting and selling petroleum. To increase the price of oil, oil companies made it appear to be scarce. In 1892, at a convention in Geneva of scientists, Rockefeller took advantage of the opportunity to have scientists declare that petroleum is composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon and is the residue from formerly living matter, making it a “fossil fuel”. However, no fossils have been found below 16,000 feet and oil is drilled for at 30,000 feet, making it unlikely to be a fossil fuel. The term “fossil fuel” is used to make the public believe that oil is a limited resource, but in reality, it is the second most prevalent liquid on Earth and will not run out for a long time.

From Rockefeller to Obama, not much has changed with the energy psy-ops.  Even if oil were not renewable, the US had enough known oil reserves in 2006 to last for 200 years.  The fossil fuel moniker is hung on hydrocarbons to scare us into marching in whatever direction the globalist Elite want us to go – electric cars, tiny apartments for all, cricket burgers, etc.

This is a good conversation to have as cold weather grips most of the States:  We can emphasize once again the reliability of hydrocarbons to produce energy vs the supposedly eco-friendly alternatives like wind and solar.  From the chemical engineer again:

Another benefit of fossil fuels is their reliability. Unlike renewable sources of energy, such as wind and solar, oil, gas, and natural gas are not subject to the fluctuations and unpredictability of weather conditions. This makes them ideal for providing consistent and reliable energy to the power grid, which is crucial for maintaining a stable supply of electricity to homes and businesses.

This is all very helpful, but the idea of fossil fuels would be more difficult for people to accept if they weren’t indoctrinated with ideas like evolution.  Most have heard the phrase, ‘Politics is downstream from culture,’ but it would be more correct to say that it is downstream from religion.  Evolution is a substitute for Christianity and any other religion that teaches that the cosmos was created by a deity.  Nearly every science textbook in school classrooms teaches evolutionary dogma – that the universe, quite apart from any act of God, evolved over billions of years into its present state, and that during those aeons, tons of organic matter were transformed into ‘fossil fuels.’


We have mentioned in another article how the theory of evolution has brought many negative, evil things into the world – communism, abortion, and so on.  We may add fear of hydrocarbon scarcity to that list as well.

Once again, we address political/educational policy makers:  If you want to benefit the people of your town, parish/county, and/or State, stop teaching evolution as if it were an established fact.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  A recent meeting of biologists and engineers at the Conference on Engineering in Living Systems in Texas provided some illustrations of the falsity of evolution.  Here is one from a Brazilian chemist, Marcos Eberlin:

Eberlin also pointed out problems with the idea that RNA, proteins, and ribosomes evolved gradually through a mindless process. To get ribosomes and any kind of protein, you need various kinds of amino acids, all left-handed. (No, amino acids don’t have hands. They do, however, have amine groups either on the right-hand or left-hand side.) How did mindless nature sort through the righties and lefties and choose exclusively left-handed amino acids? There is no purely mindless natural process for generating or selecting only left-handed amino acids.

Eberlin warned against slipping into a view of physical laws as having foresight or intentions. The laws of nature were never striving to produce purely left-handed amino acids. Nature’s laws don’t care about nursing life. If anything, the mindless forces of nature want to tear life apart.

To overcome these buffeting forces, Eberlin says, you need molecular biological machines. One is the ribosome. It’s essential for making proteins, but ribosomes are themselves partially made up of proteins. So, which came first in the evolutionary story?

You also need very large RNA molecules to make ribosomes. Some origin-of-life researchers say life began as an RNA World, with DNA and proteins arriving later. Others say, no, proteins came first. Others, that no, ribosomes were first to the party. But really you need all three, Eberlin says. None of them can survive without the others.

It’s a classic chicken-and-egg problem, and Eberlin said that overcoming it requires foresight and planning, activities reserved for intelligent agents.

It is past time to throw out the notion that hydrocarbons are a limited fossil fuel, along with the false theories that prop up that lie.  School boards, State legislators, governors, how ’bout it?




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