Tucker & Putin: What Is Hillary So Afraid Of?

Tucker Carlson has announced that his much-anticipated interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin will air on his website and X at 5pm CST.

And last night on MSNBC one Hillary Clinton grabbed the spotlight to belittle Tucker in anticipation of the release.

“He’s what’s called a useful idiot… He’s like a puppy dog… After having been fired from so many outlets in the United States, I would not be surprised if he emerges with a contract with a Russian outlet because he is a useful idiot. He says things that are not true. He parrots Vladimir Putin’s pack of lies about Ukraine…

It’s a sign that there are people in this country right now who are like a fifth column for Vladimir Putin… Why are certain Republicans throwing their lot in? Why are other Americans basically believing Putin? Why did Trump believe Putin more than our eleven intelligence agencies?”

Clearly Alex Wagner is the only useful idiot here. The propaganda is clear, and we wonder if Ms Wagner had time off camera to ask Hillary about the release of recent information concerning husband Bill and Jeffrey Epstein.


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Here is a wish list for topics I hope Tucker has covered in the interview, with the most important coming last:

-True origins of the Ukraine war, how US government, globalist infiltrators roused the conflict in 2014, and the money laundering scheme making oligarchs there and here rich off the American taxpayer

-Moral degeneration of American society and the West in general, including the destruction of the nuclear family, the gender question insanity, the attempted normalization of pedophilia, and outright Satanism at the highest levels of government and the entertainment industry

-US bioweapon development in Ukraine and across the world

-Further testimony to the 2020 US Election theft

-Child sex trafficking and child organ harvesting, which in turn points back to Satanism, to the occult, to secret societies

Hillary Clinton’s fear, not to mention that of the Obamas, Bidens, and Bushes of the world, goes well beyond Ukraine. And Ukraine would be bad enough. You start making the public aware of what is really happening to these children, akin to what Bill is being implicated for with Epstein, and now the court of public opinion shifts to the point where you won’t even be able to walk down the street.

This is what has to happen–the tipping point of American public opinion. People care, but not enough of them know enough to care enough, and I write that as a mouthful on purpose. More Americans will have to wrap their minds around this truth if true justice is ever to come.

So much of this is about those suffering children.

Tucker has made it clear–and it is a problem in itself that he even had to provide such a preface–his reasoning in interviewing Putin. He shouldn’t have had to do this because it’s his job as a journalist to do it, to provide for the American people the truth. It is something Ms Wagner will never be under MSNBC’s control.

“Two years into a war that’s reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed,” Tucker said of the conflict in Ukraine. “They have no real idea what’s happening in this region. But they should know. They’re paying for much of it in ways they might not fully perceive.”

“Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they’re implicated in.”

“Western governments, by contrast, will certainly do their best to censor this video and other less principled platforms because that’s what they do,” Carlson added, a contention he has often made.

For his part, we know that Putin is not fond of Hillary Clinton. The war of words and accusations between the United States and Russia have only continued in the 21st century. Here is an article from July 2016, four months before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, before the chaotic whirlwind of Russia! Russia! Russia! accusations against Trump ensued.

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared….

Former U.S. officials who worked on Russia policy with Clinton say that Putin was personally stung by Clinton’s December 2011 condemnation of Russia’s parliamentary elections, and had his anger communicated directly to President Barack Obama. They say Putin and his advisers are also keenly aware that, even as she executed Obama’s “reset” policy with Russia, Clinton took a harder line toward Moscow than others in the administration. And they say Putin sees Clinton as a forceful proponent of “regime change” policies that the Russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival.

Clearly, Putin and Clinton have a history. What may be less clear is exactly what Putin knows concerning Clinton and the infiltrated US government. Researcher under the alias “BioClandestine” has been on top of this Russia-Ukraine conflict since its inception two years ago this month. If true, and I have every reason to believe it is, Putin and Russian military intelligence have all the dirt on the most high-ranking US officials right here in our backyard. This not only includes information about Ukraine, but also other hot-button topics steadily making their way into the American collective consciousness–including the Epstein list.

Not that anyone reading this needs any more dots to connect or reason to distrust this woman, but her comments about a second Trump term are telling as well. She admitted to Ms Wagner that she is afraid of it.

“In his first term, on many occasions, he was reigned in and even stopped by the people around him… He will now fill those positions with people who are totally members of his cult.

“There is something about Trump’s hold on the Republican Party that is frightening.”

Of course what this translates to is that Trump had to work around, over, and through the Deep State scum that had long infiltrated the US government, scum who were able to minimize his ability to destroy them. Now that Trump has allowed things to play out and time for these infiltrators to be exposed to enough of the American public, globalist ghouls like Hillary know what is coming.

And after last night’s interview, she apparently knows it may be coming even sooner with Putin.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, aspiring ghostwriter and podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.



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