Regarding Education, Who Is Accountable and What Exactly Are They Accountable To?

It is such an important word and concept, one that is becoming increasingly taboo to demand of anyone in this society, given the filth we allow and promote, oftentimes without even knowing it.


It is a concept I believed in and demanded in the classroom, one that some folks bought into and some folks didn’t. When I say “folks,” I mean folks of all ages and positions in my circle, in the sphere of influence I had.

Remember, as I said in my last article in this thread, I know I am an individual inside this society. I know I have helped to create the monster I am doing my best to expose.

Oftentimes I had to defend what I was doing with a student because someone thought they were defending the child’s honor, when in reality they were only making the matter worse. My belief that education starts in the home does not translate to the unchecked challenge of every single thing done by a well-meaning adult trying to promote virtue and, yes, accountability.

That last article spoke to my beliefs concerning the classroom and homelife. With BESE’s new adoption of accountability testing, you get a glimpse of one motivation for that article. Here is a quick summation of the adoption, along with a word from one superintendent, from Jasmine Dean and KLFY:

New standards are being set for educators in Louisiana….

The new accountability system was approved by the Louisiana Board of Education and Secondary Education Tuesday in Baton Rouge. Vermilion Parish Superintendent Tommy Byler said the new system will change from the current 150-point scale to a 100-point scale. Byler said because of this change, some schools will see a change in the way they are graded.

“It’s going to be frustrating for some schools that have been ‘A’ schools,” Byler said. “We’re taking the same test, we have the same curriculum, we’re doing the same processes, but in two years from now, you’re going to tell me we’re a ‘C’ school. That’s a little demoralizing sometimes.”

On the board’s website, bulletin points for the new system are based on a new 100-point grading scale, raising the bar for student outcome, and emphasizing career education, college preparation, and military service readiness. Byler said with this new system, there is a shift in the formula where graduation rate and testing is used.

“In the past formula, 75% was graduation rate,” Byler said. “The big shift is now 75 % of the high school score is on the six test.”

In addition to adjusting to the way schools are graded, Byler said other standards include tech and education students finding an internship to complete graduation requirements. Byler said the new expectations did raise the bar, and this change will cause schools to make adjustments.



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