Common Sense Has Been Synonymous With Conspiracy Theory–And America Must Finally See It

…because it will lead us directly to widespread public acceptance of the truth on things like JFK and 9/11.

The truth is out there and has been for a long time, not necessarily in every single little detail, no, but in the patterns, the picture formed by the gravitational pull of an absolute litany of evidences and “coincidences” that are simply mathematically impossible to be that.

In fact, Donald Trump himself has been telling us, in his own subtle way because he knows what enemies are howling around to take him down (is there any doubt about that now, derangers?). He also knows that one of those enemies is ourselves–our own minds that have been hijacked by a most insidious mass mind control operation going back decades that prohibits many in the general population from believing what they see with their own eyes and hearing with their own ears.

Prohibits them from even acknowledging their own common sense. And we think we are free in this country?

We were enslaved long ago with the illusion of freedom, a cheap imitation rife with vain pursuits and pleasures they also tickle our tummies with, fantasies that kill our brain cells and allow the devil free reign to roam.

This is what happens when a nation doesn’t fight for God. Well I’ll be danged if I’m going to test him anymore. I’m going to do my part, and I advise you do yours.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I ran an article spotlighting what Trump said about the JFK documents, and a most important tell when he said that the American people were not ready to hear it before in his first term. This is clear evidence that the man must navigate our own inability to trust common sense when it comes even to the lynchpin moment in modern American history.


Did We Hear What Trump Just Said About the JFK Files?

It’s Becoming a Collision of Stories Too Coincidental to Ignore: The RFK, Jr Addition

Read those articles and recognize how it is that the information war, not to mention the spiritual one, is being won. Whether it be a highly sophisticated military counter-psyop waking us up, the hand of God Almighty himself, or a most inspiring combination of both, Americans are being taught like a master teacher the truth about our nation’s history. The manageable pace of information dissemination combined with the occasional “boom” moment is quintessential in the world of masterful instruction.

Trump’s been saying it about 9/11 too. It is why I have been covering the idea that Israel Defense Forces stood down that fateful day 10/7 while the mainstream media ignores it.

There’s a reason they hound us about being aNTiSeMiTiC!!! The shaming and silencing to keep truth hidden are manifold.

George Orwell in his infamous novel 1984 said it best: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

This is what still too many Americans are experiencing, despite my admittedly hopeful tone in my commentaries.

If you want to believe that the failed Trump assassination was the result of a lone gunman without the complicity whatsoever of some group of actors allowing it to happen, that is your business. If you want to continue to believe the FBI and the goodwill of Trump’s Secret Service and the fantasy that CNN and the local news have your best interest at heart and you can trust them, that is your business. If you want to believe the “findings” ordered by Biden into the assassination attempt weeks from now, just as you believe the “findings” of the Warren Commission with JFK and the 9/11 Commission Report, that is your business. Just don’t be surprised or try to shame people with common sense as “conspiracy wackos” when the uncomfortable truth is pouring out right in front of us about JFK, 9/11, Covid, the jab, and a litany of other false flag operations the CIA has always involved in. If you doubt that and have never heard of things like Operations Mockingbird, Paperclip, Popeye, and Northwoods–just to name a very select few–you really should shut up and do some digging.

And you certainly should stop trying to join the conversation by commenting on Facebook posts if you don’t even read the article past the pretty little picture and headline.

They’ve lied to us all along, and they’re lying to us now. They’re not going to all of a sudden discover this grand measure of virtue, as though they really mean it when all of them–in stunning unison–say “violence has no place in our democracy!” It’s all a ruse, a trick to see if they can continue warping our brains as they always have.

Trump, and others, have been trying to press this into our heads for a long time now. Sorry not sorry for the tone today. There is a war to win, and it’s well past time we stop playing nice with the roadblocks.


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May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, aspiring ghostwriter and podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.




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