RFK Jr Speaks to Why the Truth Can’t Just Be Dropped All at Once

Information war, the Overton Window, and the breadcrumbing of truth to the American public–these are all topics I take great interest in and have worked hard to teach through my work.

I believe the comprehension of such mental frameworks aids in faith, in hope, and in sanity–as we collectively move out of the rainforest, back across the journeyed wilderness, and back to Pride Rock where we’ll one day have to fight an epic battle against Scar and the hyenas for light, beauty, and the freedom to worship God as he commands.

Certainly RFK Jr, despite my disagreements/hesitancies with him on at least two major issues, is doing nothing to douse my hope that God is indeed giving people a real chance–a long, ongoing one–to wake up, to see the evil for what it’s been for so long so that we will turn back to him in earnest.

Already, in less than a week since RFK Jr started talking about it with the spotlight squarely on him, have you noticed how drastically the Overton Window has shifted on child/human health and the poison in our food and air?

And this isn’t even an issue I’ve addressed specifically in my work. Only to some degree in one or two articles on RVIVR last summer after the Maui tragedy when the notion of how man-induced chemical spraying may intensify wildfires. I also briefly discussed processed foods, now that I look back at Part I today. Interesting, the things you forget.



As well, right as the big names of three of the biggest social media outlets just so happen to be in the news at the same time right now, you have RFK Jr saying things like this. Remember, I believe it was back in the spring when he called out Big Tech for censoring one of his ads:

There is so much more to include here, so much more specific storylines to support my point today, but that point is more all-encompassing than it is specific. Many of us may be wondering why it is that the conspiracy theories come out before the “mainstream players” start making it all more believable. I know this also because my students used to always want me to just say things, to just blurt it out, to tell them everything I’ve come across.

Many of them “understood” the child trafficking thing through Sound of Freedom. For some, it wasn’t until the airing of Nickelodeon’s show Quiet on Set.

Some knew long before that because they’d seen Out of Shadows, as I had, back in 2020.

Conspiracy theorists, for whatever reason, sometimes see these things before the actuals surface, and sometimes that’s simply because they were able to see something like Out of Shadows before others were able to see Sound of Freedom or Quiet on Set or witness the Balenciaga reveal. Some of this has nothing to do with how people’s brains work; some of it has to do with simply when God wants you to cross paths with something tangible that will point blank show you.

People understand and trust at different rates, yes, as RFK Jr will allude to below. But I did want to add this to it: Sometimes it’s just about what comes your way and when it comes your way or what you put your energy into.

This is why I keep encouraging conservatives to allow themselves to be more “liberal” (haha) with some of this stuff. You don’t have to believe it all right away. Just make room inside for the possibilities. It makes things like cognitive dissonance a whole lot less intense. It also aids in, as I said above, our sanity, as the information comes at us so quickly by the week and by the day now.

I end with the RFK Jr video. Essentially he is saying that people may think they want all the truth at once, but in reality their brains are not ready for it all at once and will reject it.

It is why I frequently had to say “no” to my eager to learn students.

One thing he discusses in here is the Socratic method, which is a form of teaching that involves asking a succession of building questions. I used to do it in the classroom, and more importantly in terms of how I encourage people to think on all of this, I do it with myself. I keep asking questions revolving around logic concerning single issues and how those issues interconnect.

What RFK Jr says here is one crucial component of information war. The information simply can’t come out all at once because we have a very narrow window available to win this epic battle over the Deep State cabal in this country, and we can’t blow it with imprudence.

What lies ahead is dark, darker than Scar and the hyenas.

If you’ve read the novel The Hobbit, you see Gandalf employing this method in Chapters 1 and 8 when he slowly breadcrumbs the dwarves to Bilbo’s and Beorn’s homes, respectively. The dwarves, symbolically speaking for our purposes, represent the truth. That truth, scientifically speaking, must come in drops and dribbles, not a flood.

RFK Jr: “When someone gets subsumed into orthodoxy, it’s very very difficult to unravel it. And there are all types of psychiatric treatises about how do you deprogram somebody and how do you talk someone out of orthodoxy…. If you challenge them directly, if you challenge their beliefs, it pours concrete on it….”

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.



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