The Hegelian Dialectic and Weather Control

By now if you’ve been following my work you know I’ve tried to take advantage of the opening in the Overton Window concerning governmental weather manipulation. RFK Jr and CBS tossed up a softball about a month ago, and now two strangely behaving hurricanes and a fire in Wyoming are providing even more. (I believe this third one could be evidence according some sources, but I did see something that says the fires are normal–I’m trying to gather more information).

I wanted to write one on that apocalyptic storm in Dubai back in the spring, but I just never got around to it. If you have a chance, go to X to rabbit hole that monster.

Such story hooks allow me to bring back things like Maui, Haiti (2010), and all things Hillary Clinton, which reminds readers that all of this relates.

Everything connects when it comes to the evil globalist empire we are warring against. They’re all of the same belief system, and I’ve only come to discover how sinisterly consistent that is just recently.

And so while the iron is hot, I am working to nudge the needle on weather control too, just as I’ve done ever so gently concerning child trafficking and the reality of occult ritual sacrifice.

Those last three words right there were something I could not write when I first started this crusade a few years ago, but the needle has indeed moved. The Overton Window has shifted. It is possible to say these things now and have the court of public opinion help you teach the ones still in the dark.

Because that is the point–spreading the information–even if it must take time. It doesn’t matter how much you know if your listener’s established belief system only gets more calcified because of what they’ll perceive as foolishness or arrogance.

Another example was back in 2020 when some of us were being called tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists for challenging the Covid narrative.

Now consider how far we’ve come from that “conspiracy theory.”

The Weather

And so here we are again with another difficult topic for many people to consider–that the weather is actually being used as a means of war by the powers behind the scenes.

I have plenty of background, contextual material in the following articles I invite you to study before casting stones. I know some people are coming to this article first and have not had the benefit of seeing my previous work, but I want to focus on a different angle on this today.

VIDEO: Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding, and Conspiracy Theorists (0:52)

Conspiracies Rise from the Ashes in Phoenix with Trump-Kennedy Alliance

Trump, Musk, & Weather Control–You Don’t Have to Understand It All to Understand It All

Dan Bongino Links ‘Diddy’ to Hillary, annnnnd…Weather Control?

And here are some screenshots I still have floating on my laptop. Some are in the articles, but I’m not sure if all of them are. Reading this post I’m providing today should give you enough dots to move you into playing with the Socratic Method yourself. If nothing else, all of this should at least raise questions in your mind worth rabbit holing.

And if you study that article I’ll provide and highlight at the end, and combine it with all the other things our government has done to us, you may never be a non-believer again.

The Hegelian Dialectic

One concept I love to explore, and one that really made a lot of sense to my teenagers in the classroom, is the Hegelian Dialectic. Here is the framework in the scope of a March article:

This is just something really quick that follows the terrorist attack in Russia and may connect to something I’ve mentioned before. It is a crucial concept to consider as world events continue to flare up and our dishonest Mockingbird media peddles whatever the equally dishonest US government tells it to.

The video below is, in a nutshell, the Hegelian Dialectic. It would behoove all Americans to understand this insidious, wholly strategic tactic.

“The WEF is a fanatical political organization that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the saviors, but really all you’re doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global public-private fascist movement, and fusion of big government, big tech and big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently is them.”

“They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they are the lords ruling over us… That’s what they’re aiming for.”

See the VIDEO here.

This is where the reality of false flags comes into play. Assassinations, terrorist attacks, and tax-payer funded wars have all had their turns being the created tragedy in order to invoke public outcry and a subsequent power transfer. I have explored this Dialectic in my work from time to time, including here in “The Lie Is Happening Now. Let’s Not Wait (Yet Again) to Look Back to See It.”

Personally, when I teach it to my classes, I amend it to include an initial planned “Solution” before the “Agenda/Crisis Event” even occurs, for it is certain that these nefarious powers know exactly what their end goal is before they begin the psyop on a population.

-Planned Solution

-Agenda/Crisis Event (like a war or a terrorist attack)

-Public reaction (typically stoked by emotion, or pathos in the Greek)

-Imposed Solution, Transfer of Power, Loss of Freedom and Dignity

As a bit of an aside (at least on the surface!), this knowledge may be important in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Russia over the weekend. Did you know that, in the midst of the tragedy, US personnel in Russia were on a 48-hour alert to avoid large public gatherings?

Did you notice how quick the US government was to issue a statement to assure Americans exactly who wasn’t involved in the attack?

(Remember when I say “US government” in these situations I mean the infiltrated component, the traitors who have sold us out to the globalist takeover).

Have you noticed the lack of public outrage over the bloodbath and well over one hundred dead? It confirms that a certain portion of the population is only outraged in forums like Facebook when the machine tells it to be. If these three questions don’t confirm a Hegelian Dialectic scenario, they should at least make all of us pause and consider it and other nuances as this story plays out.

Here is a bit more of a curious timeline:

Late February: Victoria Nuland promises asymmetric “nasty surprises” on Russia

Late February: NY Times spin piece on CIA working inside Ukraine

Early March: Nuland resigns from the US government

Early March: Jack Posobiec warns of a terror attack in Russian population centers

Early March: US State Department warns of an extremist attack on concerts in Moscow within “48 hours”

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm. But I’ll press pause for now.

Have a blessed Holy Week. Remember, all of this carnage and chaos will continue until we recognize who is Sovereign King and Lord. Let us pray that it doesn’t take a precipice event in this country to make that happen.

Said precipice event(s), one could argue, are happening as we speak for many of our brethren suffering through such massive assaults from the weather.

Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Impact

RFK Jr’s entry onto that Phoenix stage literally changed everything over night. The Republican ticket is now championing healthy eating and breathing–environmental concerns that were once considered “woke and liberal” but will actually, ironically, shed a light on the fake crusade on the left concerning “climate change.” As this story plays out, Americans who care to pay attention are discovering that “climate change” is actually a created narrative, fashioned by the very people making us sick and working to further enslave us so they can then come to the “rescue.”

That is one small example of why I beat to death the caveat against the binary trap. This war must move beyond “conservative v liberal” for you if it hasn’t already, even though I realize that some core precepts to that conflict should never change.

In addition to the attention he is placing on criminal chemtrails in the sky, RFK Jr is spotlighting, whether he knows the terminology or not, precisely the Hegelian Dialectic:

According to environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates has “hijacked geoengineering” and Gates is funding these projects around the world.

“They aggravate the problem then sell us the solution,” said Kennedy. “The solution that they want is more social controls. Geoengineering is a threat that the environmental community needs to know about and the rest of us needs to know about.”

Crisis – Reaction – Solution. Or…

Planned Solution (totalitarianism) – Manufactured Crisis (insert anything basically!) – Expected Reaction (fear) – Solution (totalitarianism)

The explosive article continues:

Watch the video below after you finish this INSANE article:

The general public needs to be start learning about weather modification rather than blindly trust the government and corporations to their own devices when it comes to their use of these powerful technologies.

There is little to no public oversight or discourse on the subject matter. While these tools can be used for good, they can also be used for nefarious purposes and have been misused in the past.

For example, during Vietnam War, the US Government reportedly used cloud seeding in their secret Operation Popeye to amplify treacherous monsoons in Vietnam and devastate roads with flooding. [***We studied this in the classroom***]

Project Cirrus of 1947 attempted to modify a hurricane off the coast of Florida only to artificially redirect it to demolish parts of Georgia. As technologies develop rapidly, the sky is the limit on how potentially helpful OR dangerous weather modification can become.

I could continue all morning copy/pasting pulls from that invaluable article, but this should be enough to excite the Socratic Method inside you. I promise, if you are wanting to learn about this, you will want to continue; the article is probably the most well-researched and convincing article on weather manipulation I’ve ever seen. The author seems to desire to leave no stone unturned. Incredibly comprehensive. It is one of those articles like I try to write sometimes–lots of information and analysis, but more importantly a ton of links to rabbit hole if you’ve got an hour or two to spare on a rainy day.

Some aren’t looking for that, obviously, and I get it, because it’s too hard to know the truth sometimes. But as this information war rages onward, and our enemies ramp up their panicked, sloppy assaults on the people of America and the world, just know that very soon the only tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists will be the people who don’t believe any of this stuff.

Pray and fast, my friends.


GARLINGTON: Yes, Weather Modification Is Real

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.



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