They Protested Sunday To Demand That Baton Rouge Become A Sanctuary City

I want to say the name of the organization putting this ridiculous affair on is the National Coalition of People Who Can’t Read The Room, but that would be incorrect. In form, at least, rather than substance.

But there were “Hispanic activists” who marched to the State Capitol on Sunday afternoon to protest the ICE raids going on all over the country and to demand that new Baton Rouge mayor Sid Edwards agree to make this a sanctuary city.

Seriously. Elect a Republican mayor and they demand he turn into Brandon Johnson or Bill DeBlasio. That’s how nuts these people are.

Hispanic residents in Baton Rouge are asking local officials for protection from national deportation mandates and to make Baton Rouge a sanctuary city.

“It’s just so sad to see our people fight for something we shouldn’t have to fight for because this country is for everybody,” Angie Parral-Sanchez said.

Parral-Sanchez was one of many who gathered in downtown Baton Rouge on Sunday afternoon and marched to the Capitol building.

Sanctuary cities have laws or ordinances that obstruct U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Right now, New Orleans is the only sanctuary city in the state. Those marching to the capitol want this for Baton Rouge.

“Our youth, they’re supposed to be living their lives, focusing on their education. But in the schools, they don’t feel safe. Because they don’t know when they’re going back home, if their parents will be there,” Founder and Executive Director for Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants Dauda Sesay said.

Protesters are calling for Mayor-President Sid Edwards to establish protections that would keep law enforcement from interrogating individuals about their immigration status. They also want to be protected from raids in schools, churches and hospitals, and make sure these places do not cooperate with ICE agents.

“A lot of people aren’t showing up to work anymore. They’re not going to church. They’re not going to school because they’re so afraid that the life they built here would just be taken away from them in the blink of an eye,” Mirlay Bailon said.

What you’d hope is that ICE would show up with a paddy wagon, surround the little mob on the Capitol steps, and start checking everybody’s paperwork.

The funny part is that, as border czar Tom Homan has noted, the vast majority of people being taken away in ICE raids are violent criminals or people who have been given a deportation order by a judge. That’s the stated priority of the ICE deportations, so the people demonstrating at the Capitol are effectively saying that Baton Rouge should be sheltering criminal aliens to go with the sizable population of native-born criminals we have here.

Was there a big crowd? Not really. It’s described as “dozens” of people. Most illegals in Baton Rouge are smart enough to keep their heads down and not advertise their status by engaging in performative politics when the majority of the folks in this community don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for them.

But there are always people who’ll take the Soros money in hopes of becoming some sort of latter-day Rosa Parks to be celebrated by the propaganda press. So the “organizer” of this little flag-waving fiesta (by flag-waving, we mean the flags of Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba and a few other Latin American countries but not so much the American flag), a high school senior named Iran Garza who claims she isn’t a criminal while…perhaps admitting she’s an illegal and breaking the law by being here?…came off as pretty professional when interviewed by local TV news.

Almost like somebody had trained her on how to do media interviews.

All across the country they’re putting on these little spectacles. You can smell the astroturf a mile away.

Especially when you get this…

Gosh. what a coincidence that the Louisiana Democrat Party would be putting out free legal advice for illegal aliens a day or two before there’s an organized Mexican-flag march to the state capitol.

It’s actually pretty funny, when you think about it. Trump’s deportations were a specific feature of his winning the popular vote. It’s what the American public wants. And the administration has been very open about the fact that they’re starting with the worst actors first – the Tren de Aragua thugs, the cartel mules and the rest of the abject undesirables. So these guys take to the streets in a city which just elected a Republican mayor because the public is exhausted with lawlessness and runaway leftist policy and they demand that Baton Rouge be a sanctuary city at a time when there’s a very real possibility sanctuary cities will get cut off from all federal aid.

Sid Edwards is thankfully not that stupid.

I can’t say whether Iran Garza is. What I can say is there isn’t a whole lot of talent behind whichever (likely Deep State-funded) nonprofit which sponsored this stupid demonstration. All they did was harden the position of most of this community and state that we take the immigration laws seriously.

And the thing is, most of us don’t have a problem with immigrants and particularly don’t have a problem with Hispanics. In fact, the real problem seems to be with Hispanic Americans who didn’t come here illegally. After all, a poll a few days ago by Rasmussen noted that as Homan and Kristi Noem and ICE were getting rolling with their deportation campaign, Trump’s approval with Hispanic voters was sitting at a very robust 58 percent.

Could it be that Hispanic Americans aren’t all that crazy with the idea that the country would be washed over with illegals who depress their wages, fill up the public schools and hospitals, overstuff their neighborhoods and generally trash their quality of life?

Yeah, you know, that might be a thing.

If Baton Rouge didn’t become a sanctuary city under leftist Sharon Weston Broome’s time as mayor, it sure as hell isn’t going to be one under Sid Edwards. These people need to learn to read the room if they want to be effective communist protesters.



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