I often find myself upset about the lack of routine law enforcement in Baton Rouge—from the insanely loud exhaust pipes of cars roaring down the street, to other cars with blacked out windows, cracked just enough to vent the smoke from the blunts the drivers are smoking—and then I remember why we live in this situation and who is to blame.
The problem does not exist only in Baton Rouge. It is nationwide, and it was inflicted on us by the Democratic Party and their propaganda arm, also known as the so-called Mainstream Media, as our punishment for the death, while being taken into police custody, of a career criminal and drug addict named George Floyd, who was loaded on illegal drugs at the time, including fentanyl, which is linked to a hundred thousand deaths in this country every year.
As a direct result of Floyd’s death, many parts of this country devolved into chaos and anarchy, including Baton Rouge, brought to us largely by a domestic terror organization called Black Lives Matter.
White city officials and police chiefs couldn’t bend the knee fast enough, some literally prostrated themselves before BLM representatives like supplicants before God. The then-mayor of Baton Rouge marched with BLM and declared her unwavering support for them, even as a BLM supporter gunned down six Baton Rouge cops on Airline Highway.
Elsewhere in the country, cities burned, dozens of police officers were assassinated, countless others were injured, and hardly anyone went to jail. Meanwhile, American companies tripped over themselves to donate more than $100 million to Black Lives Matter. Of course, only later did we find out that the so-called leaders of this domestic terror organization spent much of that money on lavish homes for themselves and their family members.
The FBI did nothing. They were too busy arresting more than a thousand people, many of them for misdemeanor offenses, for January 6, along with investigating parents protesting at school board meetings, and Catholics opposed to abortion.
If BLM had been known by different letters, say, KKK, and had its members and supporters burned large swaths of American cities to the ground; caused billions of dollars in damages; shut down roads, highways, and bridges, causing massive disruptions in interstate commerce (which actually is a federal crime); and murdered, wounded, and injured hundreds of police officers, the FBI’s response would have been significantly different.
Five years later, an entire generation of police officers are afraid, and rightfully so, to simply do their jobs for fear of their leadership sacrificing them to the mob, of their families being threated, and of being sent to prison.
The result is that police officers are reluctant to stop that car with obnoxiously loud and illegal exhaust pipes, or the vehicle with marijuana smoke billowing from illegally tinted windows, or that car flying down the road with either no license plate or one so obscured it can’t be read.
The police won’t roll up on a bunch of suspicious dudes standing on a corner at midnight and run their IDs and ask what they’re doing. It’s much safer to wait until those dudes shoot someone and then investigate the shooting, long after the perpetrators are gone.
If you wonder why crime has gotten so out of control and why the police seem to be doing little to stop it, blame the Democratic Party and the D.A.’s and police chiefs they have put in place, blame the media for the “mostly peaceful protests,” blame the sickness that has infected America and spread largely unchecked for decades, the sickness that has turned our culture upside down and now labels law-abiding taxpayers the perpetrators and identifies criminals as the victims.
But mostly blame ourselves for letting it happen.