RADIO: Does James Carville Have A Low-T Problem?

I was a guest, as I frequently am, this morning on Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson’s Morning Answer show on AM 560 in Chicago, and the topic of conversation was an uncomfortable one for conservatives in South Louisiana.

Namely, something stupid James Carville said on a recent podcast.

This episode came in an interview with Chris Cuomo, whom Proft delights in calling “Fredo.” Carville said this

I think right now, and I’m going be very serious — I’m 80 years old — I think this is the most serious crisis that this country has ever faced. I think the entire idea of the United States is in jeopardy. I really do.

I think it’s fundamentally that profound a problem. And I think if the Democrats act clever and determined, understand where they stand at this moment in history, I think that it would be very successful.

Presented with that beach-ball full of excrescent hot air, I did the best I could to analyze it, which is to say it sounds to me like Carville is a low-testosterone individual not in control of his scene.

Because who talks like this?

Carville was whining about trade wars with Canada, Mexico and China, but he couldn’t spare a single word for the more than 100,000 Americans dead each year from fentanyl poisoning. The Chinese are conducting a 21st-century Opium War against our people and bought-off politicians and cops in Canada and Mexico are in on the game, and staggering numbers of American kids who think they’re smoking weed or snorting coke, which are terrible habits but generally unforeseeable as activities which would kill you on the spot, are encountering product laced with fentanyl and dropping dead.

This isn’t something we should ever tolerate. Trump’s tariffs are a fairly mild reminder to those three countries that we’re serious about putting a stop to this problem.

It’s not that Carville can’t see that. It’s that he doesn’t care. And as I noted in the interview, nobody in the Democrat Party is capable of calling Carville out for his runaway Trump Derangement Syndrome rhetoric.

It’s a pretty serious dead end they’re heading for. But like Proft says, it’s not in anybody else’s interest to stop them.

You do you, Mr. Carville. See you in the funny papers.



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