There’s A Second Hillary-Has-Parkinson’s Video, And It Analyzes Her 9/11 Memorial Episode

This is the second installment of the videos by Dr. Ted Noel, an anesthesiologist from Orlando who broke the internet a week or so ago when he made a case on YouTube that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson’s disease. This time Noel does a little better job of restricting his commentary to the medical facts available and matching them to his hypothesis of Parkinson’s, which makes this video a little stronger than his first installment, when at the end he editorializes a bit too much about politics.

According to Noel, pneumonia simply doesn’t cut it as an explanation for what was on that clip of Hillary getting dragged into her campaign van; he says the only way she could go from near-catatonic and not ambulatory to being fine 90 minutes later is if her condition is neurological in nature, and he pulls apart the Clinton camp’s official story with vigor.

The video is nine minutes long. Some additional material follows below…

At Zero Hedge, Michael Shedlock had an interesting post about Hillary’s medical condition and Noel’s original video; what especially makes the post interesting are comments he includes from correspondents of his who are medical doctors. There doesn’t appear to be a consensus in favor of Noel’s Parkinson’s hypothesis per se, but it does appear most of the docs think that (1) her medical issues are very serious, and far more serious than someone running for president should be enmeshed in, and (2) it’s likely they’re neurological in nature if not actually Parkinson’s disease.

For example, what about lung cancer?

I know of two recent instances of chronic cough treated with cough medicine and antibiotics. Over a period of time the symptoms persisted.

Eventually a CT lung scan was performed that showed lung cancer. The test was requested two years ago and was not authorized by insurance.

I think a CT scan of chest and lungs in medically indicated. It will either be clear or show pathology. It can answer speculation. Hillary, herself should want to know

L. Brody, M. D.

Possibly Parkinson’s. Definitely neurological…


After an epileptic seizure an unfortunate victim is barely conscious. It would fit with past history of fall, concussion and scarring on the brain causing a seizure disorder. There is no way any one would be told that, press or public.

She was lifted and carried into the Limo by her “escorts”. That is the only real information available. While not enough to make a diagnosis it is concerning for anyone’s else. “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

Very few people are objective, including Snopes and Dr. Noel. I have to agree with Snopes on one thing: without a hands on evaluation by a qualified Neurologist, we are all making “armchair” diagnoses.

Sadly, unless Hilliary releases the medical record of a Neurologist’s evaluation, it is all non-first hand information and politically charged.

Here is a very reliable and valuable resource on Parkinson’s Symptoms I use for further information on many consults I do, when approached by a friend or patient.

The other source is the National Institute of Health: What is Parkinson’s Disease?

I have great concern and will watch this all unfold. I will try to remain objective. Personally, on a non-objective basis, a friend of mine has noticed there are very few candidate bumper stickers on people’s cars.

People don’t want to reveal their position because we have become so polarized by the choices.

Best wishes as always
Dr. Jim Simon, M.D.

Here’s a question raised about Hillary’s supposed regimen of the anticoagulant drug Coumadin, which has generated a lot of alarm in the medical community…

Please see this article on subdural hematoma, a clot between brain and skull, usually from some impact.

Note these clots are more likely if taking anticoagulants (blood thinners).  It makes zero sense to me that Hillary would be on any blood thinner for her prior clot. They either resorb spontaneously or are removed surgically via a bore hole in the skull, but blood thinners would make them worse. I feel this is elementary to MD’s. It seems to me she likely has some other undisclosed problem.

The type of blood thinner is not stated. It might be coumadin (warfarin) derivative, aspirin, or possibly some health supplements.  All of these are usually stopped for surgeries.

Her cough timeline, beautifully summarized by you, is way too long for pneumonia. Quite a lot of conditions can cause coughing spells – lung, heart, neurological, esophageal, e.g. saliva down the wrong tube – I have no clear idea on this.

Anticoagulants are used for some cardiac conditions e.g. atrial fibrillation, and some neurological conditions e.g. transient ischemic attacks.

Best regards,  George

And perhaps most interesting, a theory that Hillary suffers from dementia but not Parkinson’s dementia…


While I don’t disagree with the doctor’s opinions given what was presented, I think some of the facts presented to the public are in question.

Let me go over some basic things. When you have a blood clot in the brain, the biggest danger is that blood flow to that section of the brain is cut off and brain tissue dies; that is a stroke. If there is a blood clot causing symptoms and the clot gets dissolved or breaks away such that blood flow is not permanently interrupted, that is called a transient ischemic (without oxygen) attack or TIA or mini stroke.

However, there are also very small strokes that destroy brain tissue at the microscopic level. Those are called lacunar infarctions and they often result in a type of dementia called vascular dementia. Not to get too technical, but vascular dementia also is overlapped by a process called Lewy Body dementia which is basically a mixture of Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s.

I think people pointing to Parkinson’s don’t get what Lewy body and vascular dementia are: forms of dementia with Parkinsonian features that wax and wane depending on blood flow. If there is diminished blood flow to the dopamine producing parts of the brain: Parkinson symptoms can occur but vanish once blood flow is restored. Hilary wouldn’t have gotten through the election campaign with full blown Parkinson’s, but she could have gotten by with hiding early vascular/Lewy body dementia IMO, and that is what I suspect is going on with her.

The thing I have told people is once you have blood clots gumming up your brain, things don’t get better. This is a progressive problem and as someone who has extensively studied coagulation, the notion put out by HRC’s staff that you put someone on blood thinners, the clot dissolves because of the blood thinner, and a person has a full recovery is complete baloney. A disruption in blood flow to the brain is going to be followed by continued disruptions in blood flow, and I know of no treatment to stop it in a case like HRC’s that involves smaller blood vessels.

When you have a neurovascular issue causing dysphagia (difficulty swallowing which is what causes her to cough), seizures (the reason for the staff caring around the Valium or diazepam pen), and weakness, those are REALLY bad signs. IMO she is a ticking time bomb to have a major and debilitating stroke.

With Hiliary’s “pneumonia”, a doctor saying so is completely inadequate. How was it diagnosed? Was an acid fast stain done? Were mycoplasma titers or cultures performed? What was the level of cold agglutins? Furthermore, if HRC was diagnosed with mycoplasma or walking pneumonia, why was she allowed to come in contact with a child when this disease is known to be contagious? And what did her chest x-ray look like? She should have had one to be diagnosed with pneumonia.

Bear in mind that when you have weakness with pneumonia, it usually is due to dehydration and causes orthostasis (dizziness when getting up). If HRC were going from sitting to standing and needed support, I could buy the dehydration/pneumonia story. But she was already standing and then went limp. That is most likely a neurological problem not a hydration one.

People should be clamoring to see the chest x-ray and lab results for HRC. To me the most damning finding would be a normal white blood cell count, a negative acid fast stain, normal tiitre ratio of cold agglutins, and an infiltrate in the middle lobe of the right lung. That would be strongly suggestive that HRC has aspiration pneumonitis due to dysphagia from an underlying neurovascular issue and that the walking pneumonia diagnosis was pure bunk. But I would be shocked if we see the lab or X-ray results.

Bottom line though is I said HRC had serious medical issues to someone a month ago, and recent events have fortified that opinion. If the Dems handle HRC’s health issues as a conspiracy or a malicious Trump plot versus truthful full disclosure, IMO they are giving the election to Trump. For the Dems to win in November, they need to get a new candidate yesterday.

Joseph Zadeh

There are more comments from doctors at the post, which is worth a full read.

What seems fairly clear is that there is far more to Hillary’s medical condition than her camp is letting on, and that lack of transparency is transmitting the stench of death and defeat from the Clinton campaign. Polls are moving away from her and from the Democrats as a result.



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