ICYMI: Harris Country tried to implement “voting by email,” judge said NO

Harris County Clerk Christopher Hollins requested that thousands of voters who may have tested positive for COVID19 be allowed to vote online via email during the state’s July 14 Runoff Election.

Hollins is the Vice-chair of Finance for the Democratic Party of Texas and served in the Obama administration, Direct Action Texas reported.

“Hollins has pushed the limits of election administration,” Direct Action Texas, said, including a potential misapplication of a Supreme Court of Texas ruling on applying for mail-in ballots. He also encouraged Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo to increase mail-in voting by sending unsolicited BBM applications, the grassroots organizations says.

Email is a non-secure way to vote and susceptible to fraud, Judge Larry Weiman acknowledged when he ruled against Hollins’ request.

“There is little to no evidence that the act of voting disproportionately endangers the public by transmission of the coronavirus,” Direct Action states.

“Had Hollins been successful, email voting would have been pushed for in the November General Election,” the advocacy group argues. “It’s also highly likely that this local instance of progressivism would have also been pushed statewide. This is the latest in a long line of liberal ploys ahead of the 2020 election to gain an electoral advantage.”

Hollins replaced former Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman who abruptly resigned after administering a disastrous March 2020 primary election, the group adds.



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