In New Orleans, more than a few U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employees have stolen mail to enrich themselves.
Unfortunately, this is part of a nationwide pattern.
Theft among postal workers is pervasive. So much so that staff at the USPS Office of Inspector General’s (USPS-OIG) office announced last month they will audit whether postal managers are doing enough to stop it. They plan to publish that report in September.
Among only a few recent alleged or confirmed examples of mail theft in the greater New Orleans area:
• In March, the Department of Justice indicted Gretna resident and USPS employee Randy Brown Jr., on four-counts, including unlawful delay of the U.S. Mail by a postal employee. Brown allegedly stole and embezzled other people’s checks.
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• Also in March, U.S. District Judge Sarah S. Vance sentenced New Orleans resident Coi Morris for stealing items from the mail he was entrusted to handle as a postal employee. Morris worked as a mail handler at the processing center in New Orleans when he was apprehended.
• Kenner resident David Rayford was indicted last month on mail theft charges. Rayford allegedly stole a greeting card that contained a Visa Gift Card and $100.00 cash.
• In March, New Orleans resident Timothy McMillan, Jr. pleaded guilty to Theft of Mail by a Postal Service employee. USPS-OIG officials received complaints that the New Orleans Main Office Delivery Unit had delivered open parcels. USPS-OIG Special Agents placed a greeting card containing $100 in the mail for McMillan to process and deliver on his route. The card was addressed to a fictitious person and address from another fictitious person and address. McMillan opened the package. Shortly after, USPS-OIG Special Agents stopped his vehicle and observed the opened card in the rear of his vehicle and found marked bills on him.
For each person, a conviction on these charges can bring between three to five years in prison.
As RVIVR reported last year, former USPS employee Dazmon Dyer pleaded guilty in federal court to delaying and stealing the U.S. mail.
In June a USPS clerk in Maryland used her position to obtain other people’s private information. She then stole thousands of dollars.
Also as RVIVR reported last year, a USPS worker in Georgia accepted bribes from a drug trafficker. He hand-delivered cocaine and marijuana along his mail route, on taxpayer time.
That man, Robert Sheppard, 61, later had to take disability leave from the postal service. He recruited his co-workers to take over for him.
In December, U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) wrote Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and said more than 1,300 residents in her district have complained about U.S. Postal Service delivery problems.
That month alone, the media reported major U.S. Postal Service thefts in Austin Las Vegas, Tallahassee, and Kent, Ohio. The Austin-based KXAN reported that criminals in that city stole USPS master keys to unlock multiple mailboxes at once and use them to take other people’s mail.
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Congress designed the USPS to operate as a self-sustaining entity that, like a business, would cover its operating costs primarily with revenues from selling certain products and services. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, however, postal service expenses began exceeding its revenue.
As the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported in 2021, this has led to total net losses of $87 billion from FY 2007 through 2020, and $188 billion in total unfunded liabilities and debt.
The GAO recommends that Congress consider “fundamentally reexamining key aspects of postal service in the United States.”
Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typos. Follow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer. Also follow Warhammer on TruthSocial at @Real_Warhammer