Harris Is a Disaster, Yes, So Let’s Talk More Context with Obama

That went incredibly terribly for Kamala Harris and the Deep State last night with Brett Baier. Kamala was self-massacring the entire operation so badly that the Fox News Mockingbird handlers had to shut it down. Even Baier was incredulous:

Plus $425 million more apparently just went to Ukraine. I admittedly did not fact check that, but would it really matter?

I don’t think there’s anyone voting for Trump whose mind was changed tonight,  or with more dirty bucks going to Ukraine, so I will leave the analysis of this embarrassment to more apt political writers. Today as the contributor following the context of the war of narratives I want to add some substance to what we already know is a disaster in Kamala Harris and the Deep State.


KNIGHT TIME | MOCKINGBIRD Coverup and Creationism Is Pure Comedy 

–because it’s a good guess that this isn’t going to be a smooth-sailing election or aftermath of it, and it would be a good idea to prepare for some really bad, challenging times ahead. It would not at all be a bad guess to think they might try to steal it despite the overwhelming numbers and optics for Trump, or do everything they can to stop the transfer of power. These are not fear-mongerings. I hope they don’t happen. But we want people to be prepared emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Barack Obama never really leaves the news unfortunately, but recently his appearances lecturing black men for their apathy this election cycle and his smug mocking of Trump’s style and rallies–a clear projection on Kamala’s behalf on the one hand and clear gaslighting on the other–has me putting the spotlight on him today. Some of this is new and some of it may find more context in Scott McKay’s book, Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It’s ALL Obama.

Obama’s recent scolding of “the brothas” didn’t go over well with, well, the brothas. Back in the spring I wrote on the notion that we would have to join forces with people we didn’t like to win this war; to an even more insistent degree I have reminded readers of the importance of information itself over the informant. Case in point came just this week, as a sports personality–for whom I truly have to earn my “Catholic pray-for-your-enemy stripes”–followed up his beautiful, damning comments about Diddy and the entertainment world a few weeks ago with this counter-lecture against Obama, spotlighting the former President’s hypocrisy.

“What you said is unacceptable….”

I do not like Smith’s style, but how is this monologue not helping our cause?

That video is one of many reasons, admittedly here and there and not overly obvious, why I’ve sensed the Mockingbird media slowly but surely breadcrumbing the truth to viewers. You’ll see sudden truths being spoken by the Bill Mahers and Chris Cuomos of the world before they go right back to being stupid. Brett Baier tonight is another. And of course here with Stephen A. It’s a theory of mine, but I do observe things like this, which is hardly an outlier, and wonder if there isn’t at least some level of control of the media by the good guys. Take that for what it’s worth, but it has given me hope and increased my faith.

Perhaps the fact that black men and everyone else is turning on him is why Obama seems so stern and grim in this short video. (And if you want to see a funny masterpiece of AI, view the second one too; credit to Professor Patriot, who apparently pulled it from Tommy Robinson News, on Telegram).


Obama is still front and center in this entire operation.

Some History

It is important to recall Obama’s background and desire to destroy America. Not the least of microcosms of this out there is this image of him reading a most curious book for an American President, if it wasn’t now so curious at all:

The book’s title is Post American World by Fareed Zakari, not exactly your bastion of the America First Movement. Of course another one of Obama’s mentors was Saul Alinsky, he of the Rules for Radicals book:

I have used Alinsky’s list to warn against the enemy’s incredible stealth and its tactic in isolating any given issue into oftentimes arbitrary pairs in order to polarize and emotionalize the tribal mindset. Obama has always been a master at this, and while Harris tries at times, even waxing reminiscent of Barry at the debate against Trump, she cannot sustain it. That has come clear time and time again, including last night with Baier.

Harvard University, where Obama attended Law School, shares many clear connections to the Muslim world, including the Muslim Brotherhood, which isn’t your benevolent Muslim group. These people are extremists–I came across one term “Wahabi”–who are of the belief system that, like the goyim for non-Gentiles, anyone not of their kind is viewed as an infidel and must be eliminated. As so many a conservative knows, this is why the open southern border is so dangerous and frightening, because these terrorists are everywhere now just waiting for the order apparently.

Alwaleed bin Talal, who once owned the majority stake in pre-Elon Musk Twitter, who also owned the top floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas where the 2017 shooting occurred, appears to be heavily involved in a young Obama’s traipse through Harvard. So does one Dr Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, who wrote a letter in 1988 to former Malcolm X lawyer Percy Sutton, imploring him to send a letter on Obama’s behalf to help him gain admission into Harvard Law School. A credit to Paul Fleuret at Badlands Media for his work with the highlights:


Saudi Billionaire Busted for Corruption Helped Obama Get Into Harvard

Saudi Arabia’s Richest Man With Ties to Barack Obama Thrown in Jail

It is an interesting piece of history that George HW was winning the Presidential election right around this time. Eerie to consider, the Bush component of America’s slow destruction laying over so neatly with the beginning of a career that was supposed to be–along with eight years of Hillary Clinton–the final nail in the coffin of America 36 years later.

It is the aspect of Trump that I keep respecting and coming back to, along with his fight for the children, despite my very real concerns when it comes to other, not-necessarily-political things. Here are two Trump tweets about Saudi Arabia around this time which I’ll come back around to shortly, which helps to anchor the reason for this post on Obama today:

With Trump’s victory in 2016, the entire Deep State plot was foiled. In 2017, on Trump’s worldwide, what some people call “capitulation”, tour, Trump was meeting with the Saudis and being handed the honorary sword and having the red carpet rolled out–distinctions extremely unique to their country and culture and ones the Obamas of the world never got.


America First’s Ongoing War Against the Deep State

What had changed since the al-Mansour/bin Talal days of American rule?

You may remember a major crackdown and purge of the Saudi Royal Family in 2017. Al Waleed bin Talal was among the hundreds arrested.

This monumental purge ushered in a new power structure in Saudi Arabia, one that rests historically in very specific conjunction with Trump. Here is a list of the purge, of not just the Royal Family, but military, media, and business as well:

It is one major hope from many people who follow Trump’s moves and know about people like Snowden and Assange that this is the type of purge that will occur in America as well. It is why I put so much emphasis on the information war–because it will need to be everyone, including information disseminators like the media, who need to go down.

When you really dig, it becomes clear that some of these folks held dual citizenship between the US and Saudi Arabia, much like we see with Israel; a couple even had ties to, yes, Harvard University. Hungarian Jew George Soros, some say, funds many of these HUMA foundations all over the country.

See how twisted this can get?

The entire purge was likely a knife to the soul, if he has one, of Barack Obama. It indicated Trump had wrested control from the enemy. Let’s circle back to those tweets I mentioned above:

The purge happened on November 4.

It is likely that this was not a “rogue employee,” but was just one of those countless examples of Trump playing the game. Given so much more context to this story that would be too unwieldy here, it’s a good guess that this was an intelligence asset attempting to stop a sitting President from doing his duty to protect the nation against the Saudi Royal Family at the time–a marker that is perhaps the first of many acts of war that made legitimate what Trump would come to say about being a “wartime President.” (I have a video of him saying that in at least two of my articles, but I cannot remember where, sorry).

There is a definite shift that occurred here in early November 2017, in particular with the nefarious influence the Saudis had on our government, which very much cut many of the strings Obama et al could pull on unsuspecting Americans who didn’t even know a Deep State existed. Evidence of this has come in droves over the last several years, including independent journalists’ takeover of the information battlefield. The establishing media has long become a joke.


Trump and current Saudi Arabia is something to keep our eyes on concerning the Middle East, despite what surface level things may seem contradictory. Remember Trump’s penchant for playing the political game to distance himself from his enemies, particularly the vipers in government and media still out to take him down.

There are still battles to wage, of course, which is why I and others have questioned AIPAC’s seeming domineering influence on our government officials, which is why it is so important to avoid the binary trap of Muslim vs Jew when it comes to our allegiances as Americans, particularly if we are Christian

It is also worth noting, to avoid any misconception that this is a R vs D issue, that bin Talal and the Bush dynasty were close, which is why I have put out a couple of articles concerning Saudi Arabia and 9/11. And there’s a lot more hard, baffling, sickening evidence to that Saudi connection involving escape flights out of the country after that fateful day, evidence that would throw this current article entirely too far afield. 

So many digressions one could take… It truly is both fascinating and frightening to see such unlikely connections….

This extremist enemy has long infiltrated our culture, along with the infernal enemy behind Communism. The most identifiable bad actors often playing both sides of this two-pronged evil, which so often employ similar tactics, are none other than Obama and Hillary Clinton–another disciple of Alinsky. Their ilk in both the Democrat and Republican ranks have served only to distract us with inane, suicidal squabbles while they worked their black magic behind the scenes. 

Rescued children are coming out and telling us we have no idea what we’re up against, how evil it truly gets. Ally Carter is one survivor you may have seen.

I remember reading something somewhere that said that they put issue upon issue to the American people, then they promote both sides of the issue as confusion and squabbles break out. And with our eyes fixed on tribal, emotional Alinsky-esque polarized spats, we fail to see who is behind everything, every scene, every move. The enemy toys with us and laughs at our stupidity.

Sorry I can’t remember exactly where I read that.

Ultimately, you could go all the way up to the top and expose the richest family dynasties in the world and throw out names like Rothschild along with the old guard of the Saudi Royal Family as I have today, but in the here and now, for the everyday American voter wondering what our future will look like, Harris and Biden are the markers. They’re the low-hanging fruits easy to talk about on Facebook and around the water cooler, and that is absolutely a necessary layer in this war. I am not discounting that at all because we need everybody.

Still, pay attention to the Obamas and Clintons, even though they ultimately are mere puppets themselves. It will help us understand the lengths they appear willing to go to in keeping Trump out of office.

(I cannot emphasize enough, even in an article about Obama and Deep State Muslim extremists, the depth and scope of evil that is the Clinton Foundation).

(And that there are two HUMAs, if you think about it). 


There is so much work still to be done, regardless of who the next President is. We would do well to continue preparing spiritually and getting right with God as the whole infected house continues to fall. A desperate, wounded animal is dangerous. And they can hide. They can hide behind even the enemy we believe should have exclusive rights to our attention and assault.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at jefflejeune.com, where you can find a conglomerate of content.



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